Day in the Life

Jul 23, 1842

Journal Entry

July 23, 1842 ~ Saturday

JULY 23rd

The time had come when we were under the
necessitiy of having a new stock of paper & other
materials for the printing office & Book Binders
which could not be purchased short of St Leowis
& Joseph appointed me to go to St Leowis & purchase
the articles & as it fell to my lot to perform
the journey & business, I aranged my affairs
& on Saturday this 23rd of July I went up to
the steeam Boat landing to watch for a Boat.
I stoped at Br L Wights which was near the landing
at which place I spent four days & nights
watching for a boat expecting one evry hour. about
noon on the 27th a boat hove in sight which we
were truly glad to see it was the Galena we hailed &
she stoped & took three of us on board, viz Messrs
Ashton, Moulton, & myself. we found the boat
to be heavy loaded with led having 7000 pigs on board
& the water being low we soon saw we should have
a slow journey the boat crossed the river to Montrose
stoped & empted the boat of its load into lighters
& the hands had a tremendious fight while doing it
spent the night at Montrose


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Moulton, Freedom
31 Oct 1808 - 31 Jul 1857
40 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Wight, Lyman
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
198 mentions


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Related Documents

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Autobiographical Notes, circa 1850-1880

On the I started for St Louis to purchase a stock of paper for the "Times & Seasons" and arrived at St Louis. on

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

So on the I went up to the Steamboat landing to watch for a boat and tarried near by for four days at brother Lyman Wights when myself and Messrs Ashton and Moulton took passage on board the Galena We found the boat heavily loaded with led and the water being low we soon saw that we should have a slow journey. The boat crossed to Montrose and unloaded into lighters and the hands had a tremendious fight while doing so. Next day we sailed to Nashville and over the rapids to Keokurk and ran upon the rocks many times Next morning we left Keokurk in rainy weather and after we had passed Tully the boat ran upon a sand bank and lay till next morning when we got off and after passing Marion City the boat ran upon another Sand bank which hindered her course for six hours I took a severe cold which settled into the Bilious Fever and was exceedingly ill the remainder of the journey.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

On the President Joseph Smith sent me from Nauvoo to St Louis to procure a stock of paper. I started went down upon a steamer to steemboat was 6 days on the way during which time I was severely attak with the Billious fever on the day I made my purchase the fever was so high I was sccarcely sensible of what I was doing as soon as I had made my purchase & got my freight on board I took my birth and lay there untill I arived in Nauvoo

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—President Joseph Smith sent me from Nauvoo to St.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— Prest. Joseph Smith, sent me from Nauvoo to St. Louis to procure a stock of paper. I went down upon a steamboat; was six days on the way, during which time I was severely attacked with bilious fever. The day I made my purchase the fever was so high I was scarcely sensible of what I was doing. As soon as I made my purchase and got my freight on board, I took my berth and lay there

Autobiography 1858 Notes

On the Prest Joseph Smith sent me to S from Nauvoo to St. Louis to procure a stock of paper. I went down upon a steamboat was 6 days on the way, during which time I was severely attacked with billious fever. The day I made my purchase, the fever was so high I was scarcely sensible of what I was doing, as soon as I made my purchase, and got my freight on board, I took my birth [berth] and lay there until I arrived at Nauvoo, which


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Millennial Star begins serial publication of Manuscript History of the Church in England.

Jul 23, 1842