Day in the Life

Apr 16, 1843

Journal Entry

April 16, 1843 ~ Sunday

April 16th
President J. Smith Addressed the assem-
bly of the saints at the temple of the Lord
upon the subject of the saints death, burial
& resurrection of the saints. He had been
requested to preach a funeral sermon by
several persons who had died lost friends
& he had Just Received information that
Elder Lorenzo Barnes had died in England
we received this information by a letter from
Elder P. P. Pratt. After reading the letter he
addressed the assembly in a vary feeling
interesting & edefying manner among
many other remarks he said he should
have been more reconciled to the death of Elder
barnes could his bodey have been laid in
the grave in Nauvoo or among the saints, he
said he had vary peculiar feelings relative
to recieving an honorable burial with his fathers
he considered Nauvoo would be a burying
place of the saints & should he die he considered
it would be a great Blessing to be buried with
the saints & esspecially to be buried with his father
yes he wanted to lie by the side of his father
that when the trump of God should sound
& the voice of God should say ye saints
arise, that when the tomb should birst he
could arise from the grave & first salute
his father & say O my father, & his father
say O my Son!! as they took each other by
the heand he wished next to salute his brothers
& sisters & then the saints & he said it was
upon this principle that the ancients were
so particular to have an honorable burial with
their fathers as in the case of Joseph, before his
death he made his kindred promise to carry

his bones to the land of Canann & they did
so they embalmed his body took it to the land
of Canaan & buryed it with his fathers
their is a glory in this that many do not
comprehend. It is true that in the
resurrection that the bodies will be caught
up to meet the Lord & the saints will all be
brought together though they were scattered
upon the face of the whole earth yet they
would not as readily salute each other as
though they lay down & rose up together
from the same bed. To bring it to the under-
standing it would be upon the same principle
as though two who were vary friends indeed
should lie down upon the same bed at night
locked in each other embrace talking of their
love & should awake in the morning together
they could immediately renew their
conversation of love even while risings from
their bed but if theiy were alone & in
seperate apartments they could not as
readily salute each other as though they
were together. He remarked that should
he live & have an opportunity of gathering
his friends who had died together he intended
to do it but if he should not live to do
it himself he hoped that some of his frie
friends would. He wished all of the
saints to be comforted with the victory
they were to gain by the resurrection
it is sufficient to encorage the saint to
overcome in the midst of evry trial trouble
& tribulation though thunders roar & earth
quakes bellow, lightnings flash & wars are
upon evry hand yet suffer not a joint
to tremble nor let not your heart faint

for the great Eloheem will deliver you
& if not before the resurrection will set you
eternally free from all these things from
pain sorrow & death. I have labored hard
& sought evry way to try to prepare this people
to comprehend the things that God is unfold-
ing to me In speaking of the resurrection I wou-
ld say that God hath shown unto me a vission
of the resurrection of the dead & I saw the
graves open & the saints as they arose took each
other by the hand even before they got up or
while getting up & great Joy & glory rested
upon them


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

168 mentions
Scriptural Figure
122 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
Barnes, Lorenzo Dow
22 Mar 1812 - 20 Dec 1842
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


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April 16, 1843 ~ Sunday April 16th President J. Smith Addressed the assem- bly of the saints at the temple of the Lord upon the subject of the saints death burial & resurrection of the saints. He had been requested to preach a funeral sermon by several persons who had died lost friends & he had Just Received information that Elder Lorenzo Barnes had died in England we received this information by a letter from Elder P. P. Pratt. After reading the letter he addressed the assembly in a vary feeling interesting & edefying manner among many other remarks he said he should have been more reconciled to the death of Elder barnes could his bodey have been laid in the grave in Nauvoo or among the saints, he said he had vary peculiar feelings relative to recieving an honorable burial with his fathers he considered Nauvoo would be a burying place of the saints & should he die he considered it would be a great blessing to be buried with the saints & esspecially to be buried with his father yes he wanted to lie by the side of his father that when the trump of God should sound & the voice of God should say ye saints arise, that when the tomb should birst he could arise from the grave & first salute his father & say O my father, & his father say O my Son!! as they took each other by the heand he wished next to salute his brothers & sisters & then the Saints & he said it was upon this principle that the ancients were so particular to have an honorable burial with their fathers as in the case of Joseph, before his death he made his kindred promise to carry
~ Joseph Smith
his bones to the land of Canann & they did so they embalmed his body took it to the land of Canaan & buryed it with his fathers their is a glory in this that many do not comprehend. It is true that in the resurrrection that the bodies will be caught up to meet the Lord & the saints will all be brought together though they were scattered upon the face of the whole earth yet they would not as readily salute each other as though they lay down & rose up together from the same bed. To bring it to the under- standing it would be upon the same principle as though two who were vary friends indeed should lie down upon the same bed at night locked in each other embrace talking of their love & should awake in the morning together they could immediately renew their conversation of love even while risings from their bed but if they were alone & in seperate apartments they could not as readily salute each other as though they were together. He remarked that should he live & have an opportunity of gathering his friends who had died together he intended to do it but if he should not live to do it himself he hoped that some of his frie friends would. He wished all of the saints to be comforted with the victory they were to gain by the resurrection it is sufficient to encorage the saint to overcome in the midst of evry trial trouble & tribulation though thunders roar & earth quakes bellow, lightnings flash & wars are upon evry hand yet suffer not a joint to tremble nor let not your heart faint
~ Joseph Smith
his bones to the land of Canann & they did so they embalmed his body took it to the land of Canaan & buryed it with his fathers their is a glory in this that many do not comprehend. It is true that in the resurrrection that the bodies will be caught up to meet the Lord & the saints will all be brought together though they were scattered upon the face of the whole earth yet they would not as readily salute each other as though they lay down & rose up together from the same bed. To bring it to the under- standing it would be upon the same principle as though two who were vary friends indeed should lie down upon the same bed at night locked in each other embrace talking of their love & should awake in the morning together they could immediately renew their conversation of love even while risings from their bed but if they were alone & in seperate apartments they could not as readily salute each other as though they were together. He remarked that should he live & have an opportunity of gathering his friends who had died together he intended to do it but if he should not live to do it himself he hoped that some of his frie friends would. He wished all of the saints to be comforted with the victory they were to gain by the resurrection it is sufficient to encorage the saint to overcome in the midst of evry trial trouble & tribulation though thunders roar & earth quakes bellow, lightnings flash & wars are upon evry hand yet suffer not a joint to tremble nor let not your heart faint
~ Joseph Smith
for the great Eloheem will deliver you & if not before the resurrection will set you eternally free from all these things from pain sorrow & death. I have labored hard & sought evry way to try to prepare this people to comprehend the things that God is unfold- ing to me. In speaking of the resurrection I wou- ld say that God hath shown unto me a vission of the resurrection of the dead & I saw the graves open & the saints as they arose took each other by the hand even before they got up or while getting up & great Joy & glory rested upon them
~ Joseph Smith

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
of Saints in the Temple on the in a very feeling discourse. Among other Remarks he said "He should have been more reconciled to the death of Elder Barnes could his body have been laid in the grave in Nauvoo or among the Saints He ^I^ had^ve^ very peculiar feelings


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Apr 16, 1843