Day in the Life

Jul 30, 1843

Journal Entry

July 30, 1843 ~ Sunday

30th Sunday six of the quorum of the Twelve
met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh
with the Saints. Elder G. A. Smith opened the
meeting by prayer Elder W. Woodruff
Addressed the people bore testimony of the work
& spoke the things that were given by the
Spirit of God, among other things said that
the Church of God was organized with
Prophets & Apostles, but what is the use of
Prophets & Apostles if their is not to be revelations
given & work for the apostles to do they certainly
are not needed, if the work of Prophets &
Apostles are not to be received, but the vary Idie
of those offices exhisteding is a proof of revelation & gifts &c

I was followed by Elder G A Smith who also
bore testimony of the work of God & among other
things said that whenever A vertical key with teeth pointing upward God sent a witness
or messenger to deliver a message to the inhabitants
of the earth he does not require that messenger
to prove the truth of his assesrtion but deliver his
message as God has commanded him

In the after part of the day, Elder J. E. Page
addressed the meeting & bore testimony of the
work & was followed by Elder O. Pratt who
reasoned soundly upon the prophesyes

In the evening at early candle light the meeting
was addressed by Elder H. C. Kimball who gave
some of his experiance & bore testimony to the
work of the Lord much to our edifycation
He was followed by Elder B Young who
also bore testimony to the work of the Lord
and among the many remarks he made he
argued in the following manner. Why do the people
oppose the gifts & graces. If a man can get faith
by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Gost so as to
lay hands upon his wife & children or friends
when they lie sick & languishing nigh unto death
& command the fever, or disease, or the power
of the destroyer, or even death itself to depart to
cease its work, to be still & the person is relieved
I ask what harm is their in all this, or if a man
by faith & humility before God can get the
testimony of Jesus Christ & prophecy of things to
come or speak in tongues or cast out devils, I
ask what harm in all this, does it do any harm
No it does not. I know the New Testament
is true for I have proved it according to the
pattern given by believing in Christ obeying

the gospel & knowing the signs do follow,
then I ask does these things harm any one, No
they do not. In speaking of the kingdom of
, He said the kingdom must be together
the people must be together, & gatherd into
one place. For How would the king of france
or England look undertaking to reign over a
kingdom when the people were scatterd all
over the world except in france or England
they could not reign over a people unless a people
were with those kings to reign over, so with the
Saints they must be gatherd together & this work has
already commenced, & who is the Author of this
work & gathering, Josephs Smith the Prophet of
God as an instrument in the hands of God is the
Author of it, he is the greatest man on earth
No other man of this age has power to
assemble such a great people from all the Nations
of the earth with all their varied dispositions
as assimulate them & cement them together
so that they will be subject to rule & order
this the Prophet is doing & what makes a
great king president or man is to have a
great People to rule over.

We had an
interesting time through the day. After meetig
closed I went home with Elder Charles Beck
& spent the night


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Edward VII of England
9 Nov 1841 - 6 May 1910
5 mentions
Historical Figure
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1437 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Page, John Edward
25 Feb 1799 - 14 Oct 1867
124 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Louis Philippe I of France
6 Oct 1773 - 26 Aug 1850
10 mentions
Historical Figure
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions


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Again the first Principle of our cause & work is to understand that their is a prophet in the Church & that he is at the head of the Church on Earth. who called Joseph Smith to be a prophet? Did the people or God. God & not the people called him, had the people gatherd together & appointed one of their number to be a Prophet he would have been accountable to the people but inasmuch as he was called of God & not the people he is accountab[le] to God & the Angel that committed the Gospel to him & not to any man on earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Why do the people oppose the gifts & graces. If a man can get faith by the power of God & the gift of the Holy Gost so as to lay hands upon his wife & children or friends when they lie sick & languishing nigh unto death & command the fever, or disease, or the power of the destroyer, or even death itself to depart to cease its work, to be still & the person is relieved I ask what harm is their in all this, or if a man by faith & humility before God can get the testimony of Jesus Christ & prophecy of things to come or speak in tongues or cast out devils, I ask what harm in all this, does it do any harm No it does not.
~ Brigham Young
who is the Author of this work & gathering, Josephs Smith the Prophet of God as an instrument in the hands of God is the Author of it, he is the greatest man on earth No other man of this age has power to assemble such a great people from all the Nations of the earth with all their varied dispositions as assimulate them & cement them together so that they will be subject to rule & order this the Prophet is doing & what makes a great king President or man is to have a great People to rule over.
~ Brigham Young

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday the six of the quorum of the Twelve met at Temperance Hall in Pittsburgh with the Saints In the morning I addressed the meeting followed by G. A Smith; in the afternoon John E. Page and Orson Pratt, and in the evening H. C. Kimball followed by Brigham Young. Items from Brigham Young's Remarks Among many other things he said "Why do the people oppose the gifts and graces? If a man can get faith by the power of God and the gift of the Holy Ghost so as to lay hands upon his wife and children or friends when they lie sick and languishing nigh unto death and command the fever or disease or even death itself to depart and the person is releived I ask what harm is there in all this? Or if a man by faith and humility before God can get the testimony of Jesus and prophesy of things to come or speak in tongues or cast out devils I ask what harm in all this? Does it do any harm? No it does not. I know the New Testament is true; for I have proved it according to the pattern given by beleiving in Christ obeying the Gospel and knowing the signs do follow. Then I ask do these things harm any one? No they do not." In speaking of the Kingdom of God he said "The Kingdom must be together; the people must be gathered into


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Jul 30, 1843