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Day in the Life

Oct 18, 1843

Journal Entry

October 18, 1843 ~ Wednesday

18th We continued to clime the mountains by
locks it is more mild than it was yesterday I
spent the day reading Stephens works we
came to the end of the canal east of the
Allegany mountain in the evening the road
during the day was vary mountaineous was
47 locks in 30 miles a good deal of the
way was in the Juneatta river we lay all
night at Holladaysburgh. When we arived
in the place we found it filled with soldierrs
and a large military encampment Gov Porter
of Pa had visited the place & the independant
companies of malitia had turned out to
meet him.



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family in 1841. I found them highly interesting & also the present work it is a great proof of the truth of the Book of Mormon I read them with the highest degree of interest
~ Wilford Woodruff
19th This was one of the awful, fearful, dangerous, exciting, affecting, grand, sublime, and interesting, days Journey I ever took in my life. Our boat was drawn out of the canal on cars prepared to run on the railroad to convey us over the Allegany mountain which is a novel scene indeed to see a canal boat taken apart into 4 sections loaded with freight & passengers & hoisted on a rail road by inclin plains into the air 1500 feet over the highest mountains & then desend into the valley below in the same way & evry rod is attended with the greatest danger & what adds dread to the
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Oct 18, 1843