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Day in the Life

Oct 27, 1843

Journal Entry

October 27, 1843 ~ Friday

27th Arived in Louisville at 4 oclok in the
morning I visited Kelloggs paper ware house
bought a bottle of writing ink 54 cts 1[8]44
Almanack $2.00 I visited Morton & Griswold
Paper Warehouse the largest one in the city
& Bought 3 quire of marble paper at 75 cts pe[r] qr
$2.25 got their samples of paper & prices con
do better than in the eastern market considering
freight &c. Returned to the Boat Remained
in Louisville untill 8 oclok in the evening
being 10 hours in Louisville before we cleared
the locks I never was in a worse mess to
travel with. we had a cold night


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Oct 27, 1843