6th Scarboro Conference
According to appointment we met in the
Tilton meeting house, at 10 oclok their being
present, Elders W. Woodruff S. B. Stodard
M. Holmes, Elbridge Tufts & Samuel Parker
Conference opened by Prayer By W. Woodruff
Elders M. Holmes & W. Woodruff occupied the
the time in the fore part of the day, and Elders S. B.
Stodard, & E. Tufts in the afternoon. their was
but few present
I spent the evening with Sister Foss & Elders
Holmes & Parker & the night at father Carters. the
News paper stories concerning Nauvoo was pouring
in like a flood, daily, but the {[I] had a gloomy note} Saints are in the
hands of God
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