A Blessing given under the hands of B. Young
and H. C. Kimball
Augt 28th 1844
upon the head of Phoebe W. Woodruff
Beloved Sister in the name of the Lord
we bless you as you are about to take your
departure over the sea in company with
your husband where he is going to preach the
Gospel of Jesus Christ you shall be blest
on your mission in common with your husband
& thou shall be the means of doing much good
for you shall have the desires of your heart in
all things, your life & health shall be precious
in the eyes of the Lord and in the hour of
distress & trouble thou shalt be preserved
by the power of God. thou shall be satis-
fied with your mission thy life shall be
prolonged & thou shalt be a comfort to thy
husband. thou must hold him by faith
that he may be useful through his life
if thou wilt go in ^all^ humility thou shalt
be preserved to return & meet with the
saints in the temple of the Lord & shall
rejoice therein & thy children shall be
preserved until thou shall return &
meet with them again thou art sealed
up unto eternal life & we seal all these
blessings upon thy head & all others
which thou shall desire in righteousness
even so. Amen
Same Day.
A blessing upon the head of Susan Cornelia
Susan Cornelia we lay our hands upon
thy head in the name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the holy priesthood we bless you
with the blessings of life & health & of Abraham of
Isaac & of Jacob I seal thee against the powe[r] of
desease we ask God that thou mayest live
& cross the sea with thy parents & that the
angels may guard thee & we rebuke all weak-
nesses & fevers & afflictions ^that thou mayest^ & begin to
amend from this hour according to the
faith of thy parents & shall again return
to this land & we seal all these blessing
upon this child & seal it up to eternal
life that it may be prolonged upon the
earth to bear off the name of thy Fathe &
Mother to future generations with the
blessings of peace & prosperity & with a
gentle spirit in the name of Jesus Christ
& virtue of the authority of the holy priesthood
even so Amen.
Request of. John P. McEwan. that W. Woodruff
will write my Father from England. his addres
Henry McEwan
No 2 High Riggs
President over the
Edinburgh Conference
Nauvoo Aug 28th 1844
To all the Saints Elders and Saints in Europe
We send our beloved brother Wilford Woodruff
to England to take charge of all the business transac-
tions pertaining to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints both spiritual and temporal. We wish you to
give diligent heed to his council in all things and as we
have not the opportunity of Informing you of what
has transpired this season by letter, our beloved
brother will make known unto you all things. we wish
the brethren to be faithful and diligent in keeping all of
the commandments of God and in hearkening to the council
of those who are sent to council them. Let no man
or set of men think they have power or authority of
the keys of the kingdom above the Apostle Wilford Woodruff
whom we send unto you to instruct you in the things
pertaining to life and salvation; Though our prophet
be slain for the word of God and the testimony of
Jesus, yet the keys of the Kingdom remain in the
Church and the heavens are not closed neither is
the mouth of the Almighty closed up sealed up that
he cannot speak. The God of Israel will communicate
to his disciples from time to time all things necessary
for the building up of his kingdom upon the earth
untill Israel is gatherd, yea even all the blood of
Abraham scattered over all the earth. Zion established,
Jerrusalem rebuilt, and the whole earth be filled with
the glory and knowledge of God. We wish all the
Saints in England to continue their gathering as usual to
the land of America and they may have the privilege
of appointing a committee to visit the land of America
to prepare a location for a settlement of the brethren
from Europe according to their desire under the
direction and council of Elder Wilford Woodruff.
And further we would say unto all the Saints in
all the world that may be visited by Elder Wilford
Woodruff that inasmuch as they will harken unto
his council they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they will
render him any assistance in his mission they will be
doing the will of God and shall not loose their reward,
And we desire that all Saints may use their efforts
to sustain him in this important mission which he
is called to fulfill, by their faith, prayers, and
brotherly love according to the grace of God for he
is qualifyed to teach the Saints in the things pertaining
to the Church and kingdom of God established
in these last days. Therefore dear brethren we
would say in conclusion be humble and faithful
and harken dilligently unto the council of this
our beloved brother in the Lord Elder Wilford
Woodruff and the blessings of God will attend
you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Williard Richards Clerk
Brigham Young
President of the Twelve
Aug 28th A vary busy morning packing up goods
preparing to start, recieving blessings, blessing People
biding friends farewell, which occupied nearly the
whole day. at 4 oclok in the evening I parted with
the quorum of the Twelve at the Temple and star-
ted on my Journey again for England, our company
consisted of W. Woodruff wife and two children
Hiram Clark & wife, And Capt [blank] Jones and wife
& three Brethren that went came with their teams to
convey us to Chicago. We rode to Br Kelloggs & spent
the night 15 miles from Nauvoo.
Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.
Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.