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Day in the Life

Dec 8, 1844

Journal Entry

December 08, 1844 ~ Sunday

8th Capt. Wm Skiddy & 10 cabin passengers came
on board of the ship & they hoisted sail &
we went out of Sandy Hook about 11 oclok
the pilot left us, & we steered our course
we were now on board of the new splendid
Packet ship JOHN R. SKIDDY captain


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
hoisted going out of Sandy Hook about 11 o'clock th when the pilot left us and we steared on our course. The company of the brethren and families consisted of myself wife and child Elder Dan Jones and wife and Elders Milton Holmes and Leonard Hardy on mission to England to build up and sustain the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in that land


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Dec 8, 1844