Day in the Life

Jan 18, 1845

Journal Entry

January 18, 1845 ~ Saturday

18th Saturday I spent the most of the time
in writing I commenced an epistle for
the Star

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Letter from Parley Parker Pratt and Samuel Brannan, 18 January 1845
New York, Dear Br. Woodruff, I am Now in this city being sent by the first Presidency at Nauvoo to preside in the east as you do in England. I am Instructed by the Quorum to say to you, in Regard to Emigration from Eng. that it is wisdom to Stop all Emigration by New Orleans and to Direct it all to New York. Then those who have nothing but their hands and are used to working in factories, etc, can Remain in the Eastern States for the present and obtain their own kind of Employment; be- ing Organised, or adopted into branches; where ever they may sojourn; and thus they can subsist and Lay up money which will in time enable them to settle or be settled in to the west. Or factories will be reared there which will afford employ- ment. till then it is of no use to go west, only for those who have the means to employ themselves. Therefore send your emigrants to New York hereafter, and avoid those southern hells; such as New Orleans, St Louis, Warsaw, etc. and many other inconveniences. I would also Inform Br. Hedlock that M B. Winchester has been in the Law with some of our Elders; and with Elder Brannan, Editor of the Prophet, etc. But he has agreed to settle all these matters and be still


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Jan 18, 1845