Day in the Life

Jan 25, 1845

Journal Entry

January 25, 1845 ~ Saturday

25th Saturday we rented a house in Museum
st of Mr George Mitten at the Bottom of
Virgin street at £1.5.8 per mounth
commencing the 1st day of Feb the house we
rented is the bottom house on Museum street
we moved into it though a rainy day, & an exceding
heavy wind at night 3 m[iles]


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Mitton, George
abt. 1797–1845

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Letter from George Albert Smith and Elias Smith, 25 January 1845
Nauvoo Elder Woodruff I sit down this Evening to a Write A few lines to you as the wisdom of our Father has so ordered that We are seperated in the land, vineyard & I Remain in nauvoo to share in the Faith which the first Elders have to Partake of & we are called to Bear the whole Burden of the churches I am in Better health now than I have Ben for many years are [Sicel] I have had my lung & hart My Family are also well so are all the Families of the Twelve Elder Page has come here with his family has A good Spirit & Enjoys Himself well there is about fifty Joinners at work on the Temple Repareing the sash & other work for finishing the outside all the same will he in about four weeks for the whole Building and as all the capitals are now on it Looks Like finishing the Lords House We are also ajoing to Build A new font of stone and six hundred Dollars have been subsivided towards making Stone Oxen & the Stone letters It is A General time of Peace in the City and A grand deal of union Prevails among the Saints the city seems as well supplied with Provisions this winter as it has been since we lived hedre the People also seem in General more contented as the uneasy spirits have Gone Away way in A Great [measure] with Laove and others we have turned away from us and seem to be worse than the Mob themselves & more cruel towards the People of Israel


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Jan 25, 1845