Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1845

Journal Entry

January 27, 1845 ~ Monday

27th I spent the day at home in writing in the
evening I called upon Br Ward four doors
above the Lamp in sheriff street out of great
Omer street. A snow storms in the night 1 m[ile]


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Ward, Thomas
9 Sep 1808 - 4 Mar 1847

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Letter from Brigham Young, 27 January 1845
Bro, W. Woodruff We take the Earliest opportunity to address a few lines to you, to make you acquainted with the proceedings of the Legislators of the State of Illinois. Since they assembled in council in the City of Springfield, there has been no business of any importance transacted for the benefit and welfare of the citizens of said State, but on the other hand they have been continually debating and discussing upon the Charter of the City of Nauvoo, and the latest intelligence which we have received from Springfield is that they have repealed the City Charter also, the Legion Charter, but you know, we care nothing about it for them that would kill the prophets, would also take away our charter, but they are only filling the cup of their damnation the more which will send them to Hell, and that seems to be the place for them any how, for their works do prove it to a demonstration, they have passed judgment upon an innocent people as a community, but glory to God the day is not far distant when they shall be caught in a straight, & the measure which they meted to us shall be meted to them two fold and running over. We shall appeal right off and continue to do so, until it goes to the Federal court of the United States, and if it so be that it should also pass there, we hope and trust by that time we shall have accomplished all that the God of


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Jan 27, 1845