Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1845

Journal Entry

February 20, 1845 ~ Thursday

Feb 20th 1845. This was a solmen & gloomy
day to my feelings in some respect, in consequence
of walking over the ground which oft had been
treaod by the much lamented & worthy—
viewing the tomb whare sleeps his Sacred Dust.
I Left Bradford in company with Elders Sheets
& Ure. Br Sheets is presiding over the Bradford
conference the one that Elder Barnes was presiding
over when he died. Br Ure is presiding over the
Sheffield ^sheffield^ branch ^conference^ of the Church. We left Bradford
together for the purpose of visiting the grave of Elder
Barnes in Idle Yorkshire 3 miles from Bradford
when we arived about half way we have a fair
view of Idle & the church whare lies the grave of
Elder Barnes, we had a beautiful green vale to
pass through before ariving at Idle, which is on
top of a hill. the fields of grass were as green
as may, though in Febuary which made a splendid
appearence. We travelled on the Road that
Elder Barnes had walked over many scores of
times in Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
I felt solumn indeed. was filled with meditation
untill I arived at Idle containing a Population of

A coffin

of about 7000 inhabitants & a branch of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
of 37 members. We called upon Elder Thomas
& his family who had the care of
Elder Barnes through his sickness & death, they
Pointed out the house & room to me whare he
was sick spent his last hours, passed through his
last sickness afflictions & Death. After getting
some refreshment we walked to the church yard
& I gazed upon the silent grave of our beloved
Brother & Elder Lorenzo Barnes. My feelings were
keene & sensitive. As I stood upon his grave I
realized I was standing over the body of one of
the Elders of Israel of the horns of Joseph, of the
Seed of Ephraim, one of the members of Zions
, who had travelled more than 1000 miles
in 18434 for the redemption of his persecuted,
afflicted brethren, offered to lay down his life
for their sake, one who had the hearts & affections
of thousands both in America & England, one
who felt a deep interest in the welfare of his parents
and kindred, one whose fidelity was stronger
than death towards his Lover, his brethren
eternal truth, & his God. While standing upon
his grave I offered up my vocal Prayer to Israels
God, that I might die the death of the righteous
when called away, & that my last end might be
as wife [wise] & safe as his & that his sacred dust
might be called forth in the morn of the first
. I decreed in my heart I
would not return to my native country untill
I had causced to be erected a tomb stone over
his grave to say to his friends that should chance
to pass that way, that here sleeps the worthy


The first of Zions Camp who has found a grave in a foreign Land

I bowed my knees upon his sacred grave & plucked
some pebbles in memory of his worth. I thought
of his {Susan} Lover, his Mother, his Father, his kindred
& the Saints for they all loved him, & would have
thought it a privilege blessing to have been permitted
to have droped a silent tear upon his lonely bed.

O Lorenzo thou has fallen, in thy youth as it
were A marter for the truth, in a foreign
land. But if thy God permits me to tread again
the courts of his house, in Zions land, & have
access to the sealing powers, endowments, & keys of
the kingdom
of God I'll remember thee & pray
that thy exhaltations [FIGURE] may not come short
of the chiefest of thy quorums

I retired from his grave in company with my
brethren meditating upon the life of Br Barnes.
I made dilligent enquiry of the family whare
he died & of others concerning his sickness & death
And I obtained the following information.

That Elder Barnes during the last of Sept
walked one day about 13 miles vary fast to get
to the rail road in time to get the cars some part of
the way he run, got into a high state of perspiration
& ownly had time to step on board just as they
were about starting. he rode on the rail road
about 20 miles, during which time he became
entirely chilled, which flung him into a sever cold
that settelled upon his lungs brought on the quick
consumption from which he never recoverd
He attended a conference & preached several
times afterwards but was vary feble. The last
time he preached was from the following words
"There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of
God" [Hebrews 4:9] After he was confined to his bed he was
asked if he would have a physician his answer

was deffinately No. if he Died he wished to
Die a natural death. if he lived he should live
unto the Lord, if he died he should die unto
the Lord. He manifested a great desire to lifve
if it was the will of God that he might again
return to Nauvoo. He was deprived of his
reason ^during^ some portion of his sickness his
whole conversation at such times was about
Nauvoo, how he should get there, & his
friends, spoke of his mother freequently.
The night before his death, he had his reason
& bore a strong & faithful testimony of the
truth of the fulness of the Gospel as taught
by the Latter Day Saints. Stated that it would
not be long before the Kings & great men of
the earth would call for the mountains & rocks
to fall upon them to hide them from the wrath
of the Lamb of God that was to be poured out
upon the earth for soon would the nations
of the earth be deluged with the judgments of
God, & with many other words did he testify
of those things that would spedily come to

I learned that Elder Barnes
suffered by going with poor boots & wet feets
from place to Place He was slow to make his
wants known to the brethren & some were
to slow to administer to his wants untill he
got sick. But evry attention was paid him
after he was confined to his bed but it was to

I enquired if their was any writings that he
left as a Journals but could find nothing but
the following lines as a correspondance in Poetry
between himself & his intended Miss Susan Conrad
which shows the strong fidelity of his heart
which was characterestic of the man throug evry
action of his lifife


Lines from Susan in Hebrew Lovely Jan 1st 1842

Strive then to remember me
Untill life shall scease to be
Sweet twill be to think on thee
And know thou dost remember me.

Nay; to say forget the[e] is vain
Has meditation ceased to reign
Continue true and often send
One thought to a confiding friend

Now if in the festive hall
Remember me remember all
And if away oe'r land or sea
Do I Pray remember me

In Answer

1 Lovely and lasting are the thoughts of thy name
O! Susan! O Susan to forget thee would be vain
Rememberance of thee I shall sweetly retain
Ever rejoiceing that true you remain

2 No never fear Susan the victory is ours
Zion we'll inherit and rejoice in its towers
O'er troubles and trials which throng in our path
Determined to conquer we'll triumph at last

3 By the bands of Affection united in love
As Saints let us live, as Saints let us prove
Remembering for each other unceasing to pray
Night after night and day after day

4 Evening and morning I'll think of thee
Susan though Journeying on land or the Sea
Yea night after night and day after day
My thoughts o'er the deep to Susan will stray

New York Jan 9th 1842 L. D. Barnes

1 When I bade my home farewell
On Brittons shore far hence to dwell
When I watched by evening light
My native shores fade from my sight
O! Susan then I thought of thee

2. When I ploughed the raging sea
whose Billows rolled continually
When on high our ship was bourn
Or fiercely driven by winters storm
When roaring surges dashed oer me
O Susan then I thought of thee

3 When I gazed with eager eyes
On Britons shores before me rise
I viewed her mountains capt'd with snow
While chilling winds did round me blow
Till late our haven hove in view
O Susan then I thought of you

4th When on Europes shores I stood
And gazed far oer old oceans flood
I thought of all I'd left behind
My Parents dear And friends so kind

I thought of their sillegible [burn mark] company
But Susan thenmost I thought of thee

5 When I the streets of towns perade
And gaze upon proud Britons maids
With sparkling eyes and silken hair
With rosy cheeks and bosoms fair
Methinks they have no chairms for me
For Susan yet I think on thee

6 When wafted by the power of steam
Through landscapes fair and meadows green
Through wide spread fields of waving grain
Mid wood land hills or on the plain
Though swift I fly and fair my view
Yet Susan then I think of you

7th When amid my foreign friends
A cheerful hour I try to spend
Whare kindness beams ion evry face
And danties rich our feastings grace
Mid all these scenes our hearts are true
That heart which's Susans placed on you

8th When before Jehovah's Throne
I bow and all my wants make known
I ask for blessings on my friends
And heavenly grace my stepts to attend
While thus in prayer I bow my knee
O! Suthesan then I pray for thee

England A.D. 1842 Lorenzo D. Barnes

During the evening I preached in Idle to a good
congregation, many of which had heard Elder
Barnes preach. Elder Barnes was beloved by the
Saints in England the same as he was in America, the
congregation gave good attention. I spent the night
with Br Cordingly. distance of the day 4 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Sheets, Elijah Funk
22 Mar 1821 - 3 Jul 1904
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Barnes, Lorenzo Dow
22 Mar 1812 - 20 Dec 1842


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Feb 20, 1845