Wrexham Monday
Dr Br Woodruff,
I have neglected writing until now, expecting to have the better
news to give you, because I had some forebodings of glorious consequences.
Of course Br. Stratton told you how I was getting on up to the time of his
departure. Since then I have been working my way into the heart of the
Welsh Colleries, & Ironworks, but have found my way blocked up, by the
preposesed prejudices, predicated upon the ffalse statements of returning Apostates
as well as all other lies that any Impostors, or bad men have ever ben guilty
of, all the stories I think that the Devil & his Priests can think of, are sent
the rounds here too, but as luck wd have it, by being a little sly I scaled some
of their Ramparts before they were aware, and I hope, have put in a little leaven
but the Priests here are not doing much else, but consulting together what
to do with me, the first thing of cours was to turn me out of the good old synagouge
and caution all their sheep, not to believe, or talk to me, they would not allow me to give
my reasons for leaving them, but through the influence of a friend, I got posses-
ition of one of ^their^ sanctuarys last Sabbath ^week^ about 5 miles from here, & got my own
play for the time, but since then the deacon has been under the eeves of that Sanctum
but since Br. Stratton left I have prepared a work for the press, principally about
the order ^of^ the Kingdom set up in the days of the Apostles, & illustrating the first
principles, the immutability of the Gospel &c something similar to P. P. Pratts,
on ^the^ Kingdom, in the voice of warning, but Welsh of course, twil be in pamplet
form about two sheets, or 48 pages, of twelve fold, close type, they wanted £16 pn 1000
but tomorrow I have ^to^ go & see another printer, & will make a trade with him
for a thousand copies ^for something less^ & get him to print them in two weeks, I have to depend on
you to send me that amt, by that time, for I need not expect any quarters from
any source, neither would I have any one know here my financial affairs, upon
any consideration, I have had to steer between wind & water, with friend & foe,
and carry ^a^ stiff upper lip, for I have to pay my board here & wife. My wife's illness
has kept me here rather confined, & while this work is going through the Press
I will have to be here to correct the proof sheets, but have some open hearted
friends in Wales, who have invited me to see them, some dozen miles off or so,
them of cours I will attend too, in the mean time, but after I get this workout
I will take a larger circuit, especially after conference. I am glad withal
they are making such a stir among the^mse^lves, on my act. here, I expect my wifes
ilness will be ofver before I come to conference, and I hope that by then, the
object I had hinted to Br S. about, will be acomplished, all right thus far, &c
Would I had a mate, who would go shoulder to shoulder with me in the Welsh!
But I have a p[r]ospect of one before long, one who has his hand in, but tho, I shd remain alone
I am resolved in the strength of Joseph's God, to die on the field of battle, rather
than [m]eet my kindred on that day, & found guilty of their blood, poor people, they know not
what they are doing. the best way of remittance will bye by post office. Yr Br in Crist. D Jones