Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1845

Journal Entry

February 28, 1845 ~ Friday

28th I[t] was on this day that I Paid Mitten
& that the meeting or council was held &
McGoughy cut off instead of the 27th.


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Mitton, George
abt. 1797–1845
McGuffie, James
abt. 1815 - 1902

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Letter from William Stuart, 28 February 1845
Kendal Dear Bretheren I send you the inclosed which I have Recived in such a way that if you say to aney one how you got it it may do injury but you shall know best I thought it my duty to send it to you so that his desires may be flusterated, from your Brother in the Covenant. William Stuart Stricklandgate Kendal P.S. I thought if I sent it to President I. Banks you would be longer of getting it so pleas to excuse me.


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Feb 28, 1845