Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1845

Journal Entry

March 02, 1845 ~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I dreamed last night of seeing
two large smakes [snakes] coming out of a large tree
their object seemed to be to bite me soon
a third one appeared, but I thought they had
no power to harm me soon I met another
one which I draged with my foot a long distance
in the road he tried to bite me. I soon trod on
his neck he run his tongue out but, I killed him

[FIGURE] I spent the [fore part] of the day at home
the afternoon I spent in company with
my counsellors viz Elders Hedlock & Ward
at my house I lade my hands upon their
heads & ordained them as counsellors & they
laid hands upon me & blessed me. We partook
of the sacrament together & then called
upon God our heavenly Father by prayer in
unity for hHim to bless us & frustrate the
designs of our enemies & othver throw the plans
which they have lade to rob the Church &
injure the cause of God we had a good time
together the spirit of God was with us
In the evening I went to the Music Hall
& Preached from the 5 ch of Mathew & had
a good time

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder B. Young &
gave him an account of affairs in this
land gave him to understand that Brother
Hedlock had filled orders from the Presideny
& the Twelve since he had been agent for
the Twelve in England to the amount of
[blank] Pounds [blank] Shillings & [blank] Pence
equal to [blank] dollars [blank] cts most of this
was expended in emigrating the poor which
the Twelve have sent for & emigrated to
America free of cost to the poor but have
had to bear the burthen & expens of it themselve
which shows the charity of the Twelve which
has been to the impoverishing of themselves
Also Hedlock had to pay in buying out
Clark & Fielding £120— [blank]— [blank] taking all
thes things together with £[blank]— [blank]— [blank]
which was expenses of the office, taxes, rent
labour &c during the time making a sum
Total of £[blank]— [blank] s— [blank] D

The recepts of the office during the same
time was ownly £[blank]— [blank]— [blank]
leaving the office in debt at the present time
£[blank]— [blank]— [blank]— [blank] as a balance between
recepts & expendutures.

I also informed Br Young of the deep laid plot
of our enemies John Greenhow Samuel Bennett
& others of trying to rob the Church in England
of the copyright of the doctrins & Covenants &c
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to M [blank] Secretary at
Stationers Hall
London requesting
information concern[in]g
securing the copyright
of any work


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Fielding, Amos
16 Jul 1792 - 5 Aug 1875
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Clark, Hiram, b. 1795
22 Sep 1795 - 28 Dec 1853
1 mention
Ward, Thomas
9 Sep 1808 - 4 Mar 1847


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Letter from William Stuart, 2 March 1845
Kendal Dear Brethrn I Receved yours of the first this morning and haste to send as fare as I have got as What I yet hast to be got by Stratagam I Cannot get all at once, this morning a friend of mine was in there house and the old man was Wrighting to his son from this and and What the old woman saw it was Accompleshed but I am not Certon but if I Can get any more I shall Let you know. the Book Refered to one What Sidney his publisher against us they Come out Monthly. from your Brother in the Everlasting Covenant William Stuart P.S the Person Name his John Greenhow I did not give it in my Last I thing [think] being in haste


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Mar 2, 1845