Day in the Life

May 11, 1845

Journal Entry

May 11, 1845 ~ Sunday

11th ^[FIGURE]^ Sunday O! Clithero Conference & lovely Saints
I met with the Saints in the capacity of a quarterly
conference I took a walk in the morning with Br Speak
& Sisters Mary Ann, & Mary Douglass towards
Pendle Hill to take the morning air which was a
plesant among the green fields & hedges groves &c
on our returne we went to conference,
Elder Speakman was called to the preside the
Churches was represented some alterations made
I ordained 1 Elder 2 Priest 3 Teachers & 3 Deacon
I gave some instruction & Adjurned until afternoon
Met in the Afternoon I blessed the bread & wine
& it was administered to the Saints after which the
time was taking up by the Brethren & Sisters in bearing
testimony of the work of God, & the Power of
rested upon the congregation untill it melted
us into tears this is the conference that Br Kimball
speaks of in his Journal. I never saw a more

lovely people in my travels in the vineyard they
are like angels innocent as lambs & like
children I did not wonder Elder Kimball
cried when he left them for I was so
overwhelmed with the spirit & power of God
& simplicity of the people I could scearcely
speak I blessed one lovely child of Br & Sister
Martha Hartley I kissed it when I gave it to its
mother many were in tears, many bore their
testimony of the work of God & others desired
it if their had been time it was truly an interesting
time, we adjourned undill untill 6 oclock. met
according to adjournment & I Preached to the
People during the evening I had a good time
I cannot express my feelings while among this
people, the hard shake of the hand accompanied
by the flowing tears bespoke the feelings of the
heart as I parted with them at the dssmilssal
of the meeting. I spent the night at Si[s]ter
Duckworth's. I had a severe cold & paine in the head


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Hartley, Martha Emmett
29 Jun 1825 - 25 Jul 1865
Currie, Mary Douglas
19 Oct 1835 - 12 Jan 1916
Hartley, Thomas
14 Apr 1845 - 8 Apr 1847


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Met in the Afternoon I blessed the bread & wine & it was administered to the Saints after which the time was taking up by the Brethren & Sisters in bearing testimony of the work of God, & the Power of God rested upon the congregation untill it melted us into tears this is the conference that Br Kimball speaks of in his Journal. I never saw a more
~ Wilford Woodruff
lovely people in my travels in the vineyard they are like angels innocent as lambs & like children I did not wonder Elder Kimball cried when he left them for I was so overwhelmed with the spirit & power of God & simplicity of the people I could scearcely speak I blessed one lovely child of Br & Sister Martha Hartley I kissed it when I gave it to its mother many were in tears, many bore their testimony of the work of God & others desired it if their had been time it was truly an interesting time, we adjourned untiill untill 6 oclock. met according to adjournment & I Preached to the People during the evening I had a good time I cannot express my feelings while among this People, the hard shake of the hand accompanied by the flowing tears bespoke the feelings of the heart as I parted with them at the dssmissal of the meeting.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Held Sunday the Elder Speakman was called to preside. The churches were represented some a[l]terations made and officers ordained in the morning In the afternoon sacrament was administered and the power of God rested so abundantly upon the congregation that many were melted into tears. This is the Conference brother Kimball speaks of in his Journal. I do not wonder that he wept when he left them for I was myself so overwhelmed with the spirit and power of God and simplicity of the people that I could scarcely speak They were like little children and as pure minded and inocent as angels. Many of them bore their testimony to the work of God. I returned next day to Preston and there met Elders Holmes and Hardy and preached at night from the CII Psalm and on the day after I reached Liverpool. I stayed at home but two days and then started to attend the Carlisle Conference. I took ^the^ steamer


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

First Thursday of the month designated for fasting and prayer (later changed to first Sunday by Wilford).

May 11, 1845