15 ^& 16^
I wrote a letter to Br Stratten request-
ing him to return & take charge of the Bath
conference. I obtained 3 Prophets from N Y
all bearing good News. A letter came from
Nauvoo to Br Clark we sent it to him with
his Papers.
16th [FIGURE] I left my family & friends in Liver-
pool & took the Steemer Victorie for Carlisle
at 4 oclock in the afternoon as soon as we went
out of the dock I discoverd the boat was newly
Painted so that one could not sit down in any
place from the stem to the stern of the boat without
carrying the paint with him the whole bigness of
the place he sat in or touched and as the sea began
to be rough I found it necessary to get some
place to lie down & as the last & ownly resort I
paid 2/ shillings for the use of a bunk among the
sailors oin the fore castle over the bow for the
night. I went below to take my bed among the
sailors which was a small confined place
I had no sooner gone below than I was envel-
oped in a stench the most Horrid of any
thing I ever experianced it arose from the
cargo which consisted of guoano A kind of
dung dug out of the earth brought to this country
to put on to land it is supposed to have origionally
been birds dung but the worst die pot I ever
saw was plesant in comparrison to this stench. I
lay down but my stomach was immediately
so filled with the stench that it made me as
sick as Death I immediately committedenced vomiting
which continued for five hours at times, I
gaged upon an empty stomach untill I strained
myself to such a degree that blood run out of my
nose almost a stream. I suffered much through
the night & the sailors smoked their pipes
& filled the hole with tobaco smoke though
this was nacious to me it was much better
than the stink that arose from the cargo,
And in addition to this the seas were breaking
fore & aft over the boat & the boat pitching
badly this with breathing the sent of the paint
guano & tobaco smoke made me vomit to
that degree that my sufferings were great
& I thought it the most horrid night I ever spent
on the water In the morning I crawled
out into the air on deck but felt vary week &
feeble could scarcely walk Distance to Port Carlisle 1420 miles
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