Day in the Life

Sep 4, 1845

Journal Entry

September 04, 1845 ~ Thursday

4th [FIGURES] I recieved three letters & wrote
3 American letters one to G. A. Smith sent
him 3 Boxes steel pens 1 1/2 dozen pen holders
swhole Bill £0.10.0 I wrote himJohn & Jane
A letter sent him A peace of linen
of 27 yards 1/3 £1.13.9 as A present from
W & P W. Woodruff We also sent Willford jr
A peace of flannel 3 yards 1/ £0.3.0
& sundry other Articles with John Benbows package
We wrote Wm Clayton A letter sent him a peace
of linen of 26 yards 1/5 £1.16.10, A veil £1.1.0
Total £2.17.10

this Bill of Wm Claytons was sent by his
express order out of the Temple founds & he
would pay it in Nauvoo the three before
mentioned packages was sent by James
going direct to Nauvoo on Board of
the ship Oregon we also sent cloth by
Br John Armstrong to make a suit of
clothes for Wilford Woodruff Jr at Br Benbow
he was to make the cloths himself the Bill
for him was £1.10.0

we have chartered the ship oregon she will
sail in few days with Saints numbers have
come in today 45 [miles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1446 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Benbow, Jane Homes
12 Jan 1792 - 27 Nov 1846
55 mentions
1840 British Convert
Benbow, John
1 Apr 1800 - 12 May 1874
172 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Armstrong, John Christopher
27 Nov 1813 - 7 Jun 1881
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1586 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879


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Letter to George Albert Smith, 4 September 1845
Dear Brother Smith I sit down in great haste to drop a few lines to you this is the first time I have had an oppertunity to forward you your steel pens since I have obtained them I have done you up these Boxes of pens & one & a half dozen of pen holders & when you have worn them out send me word & I will send you more I dont know how good they are but they are as good as I could get. the whole cost about 10/ shillings sterling, I hope they will answer your purpose. I have not yet been able to get the drawing paper & penscils for sister Smith I may obtain some hereafter if so I will forward it to you In fact I have been overwhelmed in business of one knid & another so that I have not had time to attend to such things as I would have liked. As to News in this Country I would ownly say that the work is on the increase through most all the conferences & Churches. I attended a conference last Sunday at preston their had been 45 Baptized during the last 3 months I thatought that was well considering it was the old tramping ground Elder Hardy has been presiding there but must now go home I appointed a presiding Elder over the preston Chuch & another over the conference
Letter to William Clayton, 4 September 1845
Dear Brother Clayton While the wicked, the Righteous & all nature is wraped in sleep I seat myself to say a few words to you Firstly I will come to business matters, I recieved the two peaces of paper you sent me in president Youngs Litter. The order of Brother Blackhurst that was sent for the Books of Mormon that were in the office has Been appropriated according to the order ie they have nearly all been sold & applyed to the Temple accout so says Elders Hedlock & Ward the exact amout I have not as yet been able to assertan though the multiplicity of business but thy inform me that it is all on Book, their is left of them 37 common & 9 Best & as fast as they are sold the money is put with Temple funds & will be accounted for As to the last order I immediately sent to Preston to inquire into it & recieved the following answer by the presiding Elder of that conference, that Beardsworth had let Blackhurst have some money at some time & that Blackhurst had told him to take his pay out of the Books of Mormon, and Beardsworth had apostitized & sold evryone of the Books of Mormon to make his money he had sold them for 2/ & the best for 3/6 which made Book of Mormon vary cheap in that region for a while at any rate I was informed that I could neither get a Book of Mormon nor any money from that source on that order so you must act acordingly The process of Tithing in this country is attended with such care & labour. I have a large Book of printed Recpts
Letter to John and Jane Homes Benbow, 4 September 1845
Liverpool Sept 4th 1845 Dear Brother & Sister Benbow In great Haste we sit down to drop a few lines to you We would have been glad to have written a long letter to you at this time but being overwhelmed in business you must take the will for the deed. We are all enjoying a comfortable degree of health, My health is about as usual Mrs Woodruff has had some vary Ill days since her confinement but is doing well at present Susan Cornelia is well smart & vary bright she talks vary plain & is vary intelligent our Little Joseph about 7 weeks old is the largest fatest child for one of his age we have ever had & a prospect of his doing well The work of the Lord is prospering thoughout this country I have not yet visited Herefordshire since I arived I have not yet had time to do it. Many judgments are in this Eastern world as well as in America A Ship is about starting with a load of Saints for America via New Orleans We have sent up some cloth to make little Wilford a suit of cloths we have sent that by Br John Armstrong Tailor He will make them will call & see you & measure him & will make the cloths We also send as a present to Br & Sister Benbow a peace of fine linen for your own use which we send by Elder James Houston from Scotland


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Sep 4, 1845