Day in the Life

Oct 9, 1845

Journal Entry

October 09, 1845 ~ Thursday

9th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recieved 4 letters & wrote 3 letter
& sent the 8 No of the Star to many friend 2


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ten minutes As with the voice of God for I was constrained by the voice [&] spirit of God thus to speak & reprove sin
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to William Wines Phelps, 9 October 1845
Dear Brother Phelps I Reccevd your kind letter by the hand of A Fielding which I was glad to get for it is at all times cheering to hear from old friends. I rejoice much at the Choice glorious news I hear concerning Zion by all the letters, & papers I get from the goodly land of Joseph. I at times feel a^i^t a great sacrafice to be deprived of ^the^ society of my friends in that place & the choice Blessings Enjoyed in the City of Joseph But the second thought teaches me that obeded^i^ence is better than sacrafice & to hearken than the fat of lambs, for I know it is necessary for some one of the quorum to be in this land at the present time & as the Lord & my Brother have sent me heare I will be content & do the best I can I know the Lord is with me & blesses me abundantly if he did not I could not pass thrugh the labours & responsibilities that are now resting upon me. The work of the Lord is progressing well throughot this Country considering the few experienced Elders we have in this part of the vineyard the conferences are most universally adding to their Numbers. I occasinally have to go out into some of the conferences to settle some difficulty that springs up But the Business of the Church keeps me almost constantly at Liverpool at the presnt time. I have just retuned from a 4 days tour
Letter to John Taylor, 9 October 1845
Dear Brother Elder Amos Fielding arrived on Sunday the 23rd Ultimo, bringing the remaining numbers of the 5th Volume of the "Times and Seasons." He left them in the Customs' depot without taking them through as baggage, as he did with all others he ever brought, and when I went down to pay duty on them after damning one, and swearing enough to sink a 120 Gun- ship, they sent one through the customs house, after I got them clear by paying [blank] duty, when I opened the box at the office, I found the whole of the 16th 17th and 18th numbers sent, the same having been been sent before, it is something I cannot understand I suppose it must have been a mistake in putting them up. I had, consequently, to pay duty on them whereas they will most probably


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Oct 9, 1845