Day in the Life

Oct 14, 1845

Journal Entry

October 14, 1845 ~ Tuesday

14th Tuesday I went to the office soon Mrs
Enion brought our child Susan I took cab
rode home with them spent one hour &

returned to the office I spent the Afternoon
with the directers of the British & American
Joint Stock Company with our Advisor to
prepare the articles froor regestration I was
the first director Apointed many of our
friends wer in from various parts of the
kingdom After taking supper At the office
the board of Directors sat untill 9 oclok discussing
the subject before us I then returned home &
spent the night 10 m[iles]


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Scholes, Susan Cornelia Woodruff
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
362 mentions


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ten minutes As with the voice of God for I was constrained by the voice [&] spirit of God thus to speak & reprove sin
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the and of the month in Liverpool I sat with the board of Directors of the British and American Joint Stock Company until near midnight of the second day. It was a hard day's work and a critical one. Each article of the deed for settlement preparing for regestration was read over several times changed and altered as the Board of Directors thought fit. It had been with much labour care and expence to get the Joint Stock Company settled so as to begin to do business and during the day I had many trying things to encounter. My spirit was greived and insulted as it had been many times since I came to Liverpool from a source that I ought to have expected better things. We got the Nauvoo Times and Neighbor and New York Messenger informing us of the commencing of mobing once more in Hancock County. The mob had burned 42 houses of the Saints in Lima; and a day or two later the Liverpool papers teemed with rumours that mobs were raging against the Saints in Hancock Co. had burned several hundred of their houses and that a proposition had been made by the Twelve to the citizens of Hancock County for the Mormons to leave ^that they would leave the state as soon as they could dispose of their property^


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Oct 14, 1845