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Day in the Life

May 25, 1846

Journal Entry

May 25, 1846 ~ Monday

25 [FIGURE] I recieved one letter from Br
R Hedlock we struct our tents & rode to
Charlestown & camped for the night 6 m
I had sprained my sholdier & thumb A few
days since among some cattle I took cold
in it to day & fell quite lame at night


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
and drove to Charlestown where we camped for the night. Here I remained in camp during the next day as I had taken cold and felt quite lame and had a few day^s^ before sprained my sholder and thumb among the cattle. Brother H. Clark J Townsend and many others passed us during the day and brother Smoot came up and camped with us for the night. My Father Nearly Killed


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May 25, 1846