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Day in the Life

Jun 15, 1846

Journal Entry

June 15, 1846 ~ Monday

June Monday 15th we started early overtook
Br Smoot at 11 oclock we had sumthing of
A rough road & Bridges to cross over through
the day we arived at the camp of Israel
called Mount Pisga I had an interview with
Br C. C. Rich & Huntington the President &
council at Mount Pisgah And many other friends
I encamped on the east side of the creek &
camp of Israel I ascertained that Br Noah
who had Just returned from A mission
to the South Sea Islands was dead And the
first person wthat was buried in the burying
ground at Mount Pisgah Br Turnbow one of
our company Also lost a child to day. the whole
distance from Nauvoo to Mount Pisgah is [blank] Miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
346 mentions
2 mentions
Rogers, Noah
11 mentions
Turnbow, Samuel
16 Oct 1804 - 19 Nov 1890
6 mentions
10 mentions


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Jun 15, 1846