AUG 2nd 1846 Sunday
I called upon Dr Richards in the morning
And spent A little time with him we had A
Plesant interview President Young had
rode out but returned in the Afternoon
we met in council with the Twelve decided
to winter near this place say from 20 to
40 miles. A messenger had just arived
from the Mormon Battlalion within 30 miles of
Fort Leavenworth And gave a good report
of the Brethren all well and in good spirits
they were doing honor to the cause
During the evening President Young
And Dr Richards called at my
tent President Young deliverd an
interesting lecture upon the priesthood
And the principal of sealing there being
present (Phebe W. Woodruff) (Sarah Brown))
(Caroline Barton) (Mary Jackson))
Aug 2nd Mrs Woodruff was quite unwell
is vary weak & feeble in body will require
great care in order to preserve herself in
life I spent A part of the day hunting
cattle I am now surrounded by two or
three hundred waggons belonging to the
camp of Israel I have been so busy in
Journeying taking care of cattle & herds
And being so few men to assist according
to the amount of labour to be done
that I have not been able to do Justice to
my Journals And keep an account of
the travels of this great people to the
wilderness And the mountains As I would
like to have done
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