Day in the Life

Apr 1, 1847

Journal Entry

April 01, 1847 ~ Thursday

Aprail 1st A humanoid I set for A portrait to be taken by Major to be put in
a work with others of the Twelve. In the Afternoon I met in
council with the Twelve Elder J. A. Stratton was present had
just arived from St Louis gave an account of his procedings
there which was satisfactory we herd all the names read in the
St Louis Branch. We recieved A mail of papers containing the war
News &c. which we read with interest we had a council in the eve[nin]g


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Stratton, Joseph Albert
11 Sep 1821 - 28 Oct 1850


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the I sat for a likeness to be taken by Major to be put into a plate with others of the Twelve. In the afternoon I met in council with the Twelve. Elder Stratton who had just arrived from St Louis was present and gave an account of the affairs of the Church in that city. We received a mail of papers containing the war news &c which we read with great interest in our isolated life.


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Apr 1, 1847