Day in the Life

Nov 21, 1847

Journal Entry

November 21, 1847 ~ Sunday

21st Sunday I met at the stand some of the Twelve & the
congregation O Pratt iaddressed the congregation upon the
subject of the resurrection which was interesting to us all
Some had been teaching the doctrin that the resurrection
was by birth or through the womb but Br Pratt showed
the folly of such a doctrin, & Proved by many revelations
that the dead were raised by the power of God & the Blow-
ing of the Trump of Michael the Ark Angel who was
Father Adam & that the graves of the Saints would
be opened & their Bodies would come forth out of their
graves according to the visions of Ezekiel & many of the
prophets. He showed that However miracalous it might
appear unto us it was just as easy for God to perform
this work as it was to turn water into wine or make
Bread without flour to feed a multitude
W Woodruff followed Br Pratt & bore testimony
to what had been said & spoke in the spirit of the Lord


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48 mentions
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29 mentions
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Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
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Discourse 1847-11-21
W. Woodruff feels thankful for the mistrous [mysteries] heard this day. it is right that all erroneous principles sho[ul]d be corrected. Mormonism comprehends all truth & is an Eternal principle which is not yet forgotten by the world, neither will it be. The world is full of error & that is a popular doctrine, but when men advocate the prin[ciple] of eternal truth, it oftentimes costs the best lives, it has cost the best blood of this generation & it has cost us our rights, our liberties, our properties our all. it does me good to read the lives of Abel Noah, Melchisedek, the Hebrew children, & in modern times of Joseph & his followers tho they r driven from State to State. it wo[ul]d require but little faith to walk with the Gentiles & partake of her Sins. & the same Sp[irit] that served the ancient Saints is serving the El[ders] of Is[rael] in these days. all is passing along just right. we h[av]e enough every da[y] to inspire the heart of man. When we look at the blessings of the res[urrection]n, & let the world take what course it will, it mattereth not. so that I may take part in the 1st re[surrectio]n. we'r just the only p[eo]pl[e] who r ready to keep the same law & magnify their calling, we h[av]e enough to encourage us to keep faithful.


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Nov 21, 1847