Day in the Life

Dec 3, 1847

Journal Entry

December 03, 1847 ~ Friday

3rd. The Twelve met in conference with the Saints on the east
side of the river according to previous Appointment. President
Young Addressed the meeting & was followed by J. A. Smith A Lym[an] [page covered]
& W. Woodruff in the forenoon; & in the Afternoon by H C Kimb[all] [page covered]
& B Young. And conference adjourned untill next day
the most of the twelve spent the night at Br Daily's
Elder Appleby Arived in our mids from Philadelphia & spent
the evening with us & gave us much information concerning the
wars & the state of the Nations & brought us A card of gold pens one
for each of the Twelve As A present from Col Kane. He also gave
an account of the state of the churches in the east. We Also
learned that many who had been enemies to the Church were dead
Jackson who had A hand in the death of the prophet died in
Mexico with the black vomit Mr Eagle is also dead, we were infor[med] [page covered]
that Gen Harding, Maj Warren & Capt Morgan with Half of the
Quincy grays were killed in the Mexican war.
O Pratt & myself spent the night at Br Guymans


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Hardin, John J.
6 Jan 1810 - 23 Feb 1847
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Daley, Moses
16 Apr 1794 - 9 Dec 1865
1 mention
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions
Guymon, Thomas
10 Mar 1787 - 20 Oct 1855
Kane, Thomas Leiper
27 Jan 1822 - 26 Dec 1883
Appleby, William Ivins
13 Aug 1811 - 20 May 1870


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Discourse 1847-12-03
W. Woodruff has been edified at the remarks I ave heard this morn: I av been meditating abt the priv[ilege]; & blessings that we enjoy & the priv of preaching in being absent from the council & then to assemble in conference—if the El[ders] of Is[rael] magnify their calling it does not need much of the Sp[irit] to prophecy that they will prize the priv of hearing the Co[unse]ls of the Twelve—& by & by you wod give every coat you av so that you cod only stand an hour in the councils of the 12—while we r abroad in the Vineyard then is the time we stand in need of all the teachings that we can get & I sa[y] treasure up knowledge & instruc. & I promise you in the name of the Ld that you wod be glad to [gt] our councils—look at bro Pratt he has been absent 6 yrs & he wod give all the Gold he ever saw to av the priv of standing an hour in these meetings—I testify to you that the [spirit] of the Ld as been visible to us all this summer & when I see the Ld is leading this ppl today I am satisfied, altho we av not ad a deal of tread we av ad plenty of Buff. I want to av the bre[thre]n to learn wisdom imprint it on our hearts & minds—there is a good deal of meaning in what bro Brigham has sd—you ma go into some courses & wod as soon go into hell & go into others & there you will find peace, & you will feel the Sp[irit] & profit by it—some of the El may be required to go & preach, go to the mountains, or stay always be actually willing to want to do the Will of God & if we take this course we shall be sure to come out right—who has born off the work of the Ld there has not been one out of ten that has been out to preach—we ought to be wise— oftentimes we lose sight of the responsibility that is resting upon us in carrying out the views & intentions that r laid upon us— you r the men that those ancient Prophets av seen & who av to carry off the work—there is a good deal to be done we av but just began—the Ld has blest us since we commenced—the nations of the Earth has got to be warned & you r the men who av got to go & do the work—when the 12 lay down their heads you will av to bear off the K[ingdom]—& you ought to prove up your lives all the day long & your mind will expand all the day long—very few men cod be called to go thru the trials if they were seen when the men first took up this work, but there is a Sp[irit] that as sustained the ppl all the day long—when we consider the glory that will be given unto the ppl for their faithfulness it will repay all the trials & troubles—when you see men willing to go forwd trusting in the Ld you will see men who r blessed all the day long—a man who has got the Sp of the Ld you cant drive him away from the work & it is far better for us to walk in righteousness & do our duty than to swerve from the Lord. we av ad to go out as Abraham did not knowing whither we went—& now we go into the habitations of men & see them surrounded by the good things—that valley is a right kind of place where we can worship the Ld & it is a good thing that we can go into the cliffs of the rocks & be hidden up—this will prove a greater blessing to us as a ppl—& let us hearken to council build up the K[ingdom] of God & build ourselves up—& let us obey council & by trversing that course we shall rejoice in it—if we walk out of that channel we av darkness & gloom & tribulation—may the Ld bless & guide & direct you that we may walk by his council while we dwell on the Earth
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On the we met in conference with the Saints on the East side of the river. Elder Appleby arrived in our midst from Philadelphia spent the evening with us and gave us much information concerning the nation the wars &c. He brought as a present from Col. Kane a card of gold pens one for each of the Twelve The conference next day was adjourned for three weeks after having resolved to immediately build a large log tabernacle for the people to meet in. Henry Miller was appointed the committee and about 200 gave their names to go at once to work It was to be about 65 by 40 feet in the cleer and the building was to be under the direction of the Twelve. Next day was an important one in the history of the Church. We rode to Elder Hyde's had a good feast and went into council and determined the following important matter:


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Dec 3, 1847