Day in the Life

Dec 6, 1847

Journal Entry

December 06, 1847 ~ Monday

6th We went into council this morning several subjects were
conversed upon one was our posterity in this world & the osprings
of immorta celestial & resurrected beings in the world to come
President Young remarked that our children in this life did not
look just like their parents but was A variety in looks &c & the
osprings of celestial beings were spiritual Bodies

Wm. W. Phelps was cut off from the Church for Breaking the
laws of God.

It was decided in council that if a man lost
his wife He was at liberty to marry again whare He pleased and
was Justifyed.

Father John Smith was Appointed by the
quorum of the Twelve As the first patriarch over the whole Church
President Young said the Twelve were at liberty to publish papers
in any part of the world whare they should be or take the
best course to spread the work, the twelve should superintend
the printing whareveer they were. And If the Twelve were going
abroad it would be well to ordain Elders out of new members
that were baptized & take with them to preach & there should
ownly one of the Twelve go to one place & call seventies to
their assistance. Our counsel adjourned. E T Benson &
myself rode to Elder Greens Branch & attended meeting B Clapp
& Joseph Young Preached W. Woodruff & E T Benson followed them
we had A good meeting. We spent the night at Br Carters 10 m[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872

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Dec 6, 1847