Day in the Life

Jan 20, 1848

Journal Entry

January 20, 1848 ~ Thursday

20th This is the last day of our meeting with the Saints
at the Log tabernacle, the congregation was addressed at some
length by Br G A. Smith upon A variety of subjects, giving advise
to the saints not to locate on the river bottom but go to the bluffs
& north whare there is a plenty of timber & open farms whare
there is plenty of room Also advised them to pay their tithing
& not admit of making use of Ardent spirits, & spoke upon
other subjects & was followed by W. Woodruff who backed up
the testimony of Br Smith after which several business matters
were taken up.

The Afternoon & evening as usual was spent in singing, music,
& dancing at the close, President Young addressed the meeting
in an interesting manner, And said He wished the Saints to
get so quick in their understandings that when they herd his
tex that they might know his whole sermon without his preaching
it or stoping to explain evry item. And his text was now let
the Saints stop dancing for if you get up parties all over the
country here and go to danceing sin and iniquity will grow out
of it but all has been right here thus far I have watched you
& all has been in quiete & peaceable & good order & the spirit of the
Lord has been here And the President dissmissed the people
pronounceing the Blessings of God upon the people. I with several
other of the brethren spent my time with Br Richards who
was vary kind in entertaining the Saints


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1438 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Discourse 1848-01-20
W. Woodruff—some ma[y] think if we run over a few moments of time—we run into service of dancing hours—I feel thankful at having priv[ilege] of hearing teaching from this stand—shew me any ppl who [h]av[e] rulers or Governors' who disregard virtue & I will shew the seeds of their dissn [destruction]. I want to look at Govr to [k]no[w] the sit[uatio]n of ppl—this ppl [a]r[e] led by men who aspire to lead you to sal[vatio]n—they get up for home to teach duty— a word from proper auth[orit]y ought to be enough—we r as much bound to help poor, Wo [widow] & needy—Prest Young house is filled with poor every day & shovelling out the floor all day—the Great God requires not only our property but he who will not la[y] down his life is not worthy— where r the martyrs? free! Abel Jesus—Amos—Jos S. & H. S. & D Patten they r free—if there's no court hereafter our faith is vain they r gone to take their seat in Court of [illegible], the Supreme Court of Heaven. av not the Pres[idenc]y who av gone from y[ea]r to yr gone home to save souls—& now they set ex[ample]: to go to mountains ag[ai]n—they ought not to be calling all the time—it makes me feel curious some times when I hear El[ders] rising up all the time to teach you your duty—your fields av been blessed four fold last y[ea]r—hearken to God S[ervan]ts Counsel. I want to see these things carried out—go into Courts of Et[erna]l world—will you see men drunk—if you av Sp[irit] of Whiskey the Sp[irit] of God will not dwell there—I [h]ad ra[the]r see men expelled entirely than traverse that course to bring that disgrace upon them—some men steal—& a man who has the name of Mormon will be punished by our land & then [cd] of to the powers of the world— Id ra[the]r live with 10 men who do right, than with 10 thousand men who steal—it is not with us as with o[the]r men—we r unpopular in the eyes of devil & wicked men—we shall go where every man will av to bear his sins—we r going to a place where blessings will be showered down while the judgments of God go over the Nations who serve not the Lord—those who wont quit lieing ^swearing^ stealing & getting drunk let em go where those things r—dont let the counsils given from this stand go in at one year [ear] & out at the o[the]r. We ought to let our Wagons & teams go to take over the families of those who r in the Army—& ma[y] the L[or]d bless you that you may be sober temperate honest virtuous holy & do things which r right—& the Lord will bless you
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
the , meetings were held by the Twelve at the Log Tabernacle on the East side of the river. We crossed on the ice to visit the Saints. Two petitions were presented to the meetings for signatures one for a county in Potawattame tract of land in Iowa and the other for a Post Office. Brother Miller and others were appointed to go to the Legislatrure of the State of Iowa as delegates to lay before it the pettition of the people of Winter Quarters for a county


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Jan 20, 1848