Day in the Life

Oct 17, 1848

Journal Entry

October 17, 1848 ~ Tuesday

17th I had an Interview with Br Hollister A few moments
in the morning made me A present to Assist me in my
necessities. I took boat & went to Norwalk Ct And called
upon Mr Valentine Merrill & spent the night distance 45 m


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Merrill, Valentine
8 May 1811 - 12 Jan 1875


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 17 October 1848
Norwalk Connecticut My Dear Phebe Inasmuch as I cannot hear from you nor my poor little suffering Pilgrims I feel that I ought to write the oftener to you, I begin to feel a little Homesick and that you know is a strange thing for me when I am traveling so much, but I suppose it is becaus I want to see you, I feel anxious to get home once more but it seems as though I could not travel ownly about so fast unless I here things undone that ought to be done I am trying to visit as many of the Branches on my return as I can find on my way so as to organized those which are unorganized & leave them in as good state as I can (anonymous not from R is anonymous your pls say you) I went to long Island on Saturday Held a meeting on Sunday with them returned to New York on Monday, visited Mrs. Sloan & Calvin found them well as usual, visited the Saints. saw Sister Shelden she sent her best respects to you I saw Br Holister He made ^me^ a present of 20 shares of stock in the New Jersey mining Company. the Branch is in good order at the present time in New York I took boat at N.Y. & arrived here last Evening their is a Branch of the Church in this place in a scattered conditions the presiding Elder is 10 miles from this place I cannot get a meeting untill to morrow night so I shall attend to it I am right upon the sea shore whare the got boat loads of round & soft clams, scallops oysters fish &. I had scollops clams & oysters fer supper last night, & they were fine the baths though the
Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 17 October 1848

Oct 17, 1848