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Day in the Life

Oct 29, 1848

Journal Entry

October 29, 1848 ~ Sunday

29th Sunday I met with the officers of the branch
in the morning at Br Lows, fellowship had been with-
drawn from Br John ^Henry^ Druce for unbelief and speaking
against the Authorities of the Church. He arose before
us and made his objections and wished them Cleared up
I answered them all to his entire satisfaction and he
wished to be restored to the Church.

We met in the
afternoon at Br Allens and administered the Sacrament
I addressed them and we had a good meeting I met
with them in the evening at Brother Duckworths and
I preached to them and had a good time. I parted
with the Saints walked home 2 miles in the mud and rain
with Br John ^Henry^ Druce & spent the night with him 6 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Druce, Henry
5 Jun 1820 - 12 Mar 1896
8 mentions

Oct 29, 1848