Day in the Life

Jan 18, 1849

Journal Entry

January 18, 1849 ~ Thursday

18th Was quite unwell with the teeth Ake

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Letter from Joseph Russell, 18 January 1849
Elder Wilford Woodruff Miramichi Dearly Bloved Brother your most welcome and esteemed favor came Derly to hand, and when about to Repley your second came as welcome as the firest. the last came much the quickest, before I Receved I was beginning to think you Had lost the Diraction. I vas[t]ly belive that the Stoome Navagation is stopt betwixt Boston and Halefax a certan number of munths in the winter say till aprile. I belive the passage from Boston to Halefax Dirict is Decidedly the best plan for the Intended Rout, and in the Spring is the most Desirable time to get to prince Edward Island. Beloved Bro. Woodruff, it is imprest upon my mind that what ever time you leve Boston for Halefax, that notwithstanding your own corespondence to the presiding Elder in Halafax wher you go too, but I think that the preciding Elder in Boston where you Recide should write a letter Discharging his Duety as a pure Kindness to the presiding Elder in Halafax and if He the pre- siding Elder in Halefax be as un Experienced as I am He will be very thankfull for it, and so on frome prasiding Elder to prasidend Elder till youre Round is up, in these North Districts if the abouve Expretion of the inpostion of my fellings be incoract, you can esely Reade my motive ^in it^ and take no notice of it. if not otherways aringed, it wold apear to me that your firest aproch heare to Halefax will be when the Navegation is agane appers and if so I wold humbly Request of you if it is with your [Friend] to write me from Halefax and let me know exactly when you will be in Charlot Towne, and if my Busness will posabley permett ^by^ tending it. I will meet you ther not to be walking on you ther. then we will come on to gather to my Deluxe Miramichi if all will.


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Jan 18, 1849