Day in the Life

May 23, 1849

Journal Entry

May 23, 1849 ~ Wednesday

23rd The St Louis fire has now ascertained to have burned 418
buildings Number of lives lost 20. Loss of Property $6,000,000
two thirds of the wholesale dry goods dealers & one half of the retail
commission & other stores of the city are burned out. There has
also been a great fire in Milwakie Mich. Also A great fire in
China Many thousand Houses burned, immens property destroyed
& many lives lost. The great Steemer Empire on the North River
was run into & sunk And about 30 persons drowned

The city of New Orleans is inundated with water And about being
washed away by the Missippi River breaking through the levy & runing
into the city lives are lost immens property destroyed & danger of
the whole city being washed into the Gulf of Mexico. truly calemi-
ties are bursting upon this Nation & the Judgments of God are rest-
ing upon her I recieved 2 letters to day from Thomas Mckenzie &
A folded letter/box Phebe Wheeler.


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May 23, 1849