Day in the Life

May 28, 1849

Journal Entry

May 28, 1849 ~ Monday

28th I walked with Father Carter to the East Cambridge glass
works & went through them & home again

An arrow Keys crossed I spent the evening with Br Delin from Sweeden we
compared the sweed Bible with the English. He related two
interesting incidents which took place in sweeden. 1st as
follows. During the days of the sixts reigning king before
the present one on the Throne, The King had a dream
in the night. He saw Blood upon the floor of his room untill
it increased so that he stood in blood above his Ankles
it frightend him And He awoke He thought the room he
occupied was the Parliament House. as soon As he awoke He
called one of his Generals to him to tell him his dream And
As the General entered the room He drew his window
curtain Aside & looked towards the Parliament House &
saw A light in it. He said General I see A light in the
Parliament House. the General says I think it must be the
Moon. K. No sir the Moon does not shine there He then
called six other Generals & two soldiers And order-
ed them to accompany him to the Parliament House
& they accompanied the king when they arived at the
House they saw it lighted with A large pair of chandel-
liers holding lighted candles And as their had never
been any such thing in the house they were A frighted
the king ordered one of the Generals to take the key
upon the door & go in & each one of the Generals in
there turn fell upon there knees & said they would
rather die than go into the house the King then said I
am your king I weill lead the way you must follow
so the king opened the door & the Generals & soldiers
followed him. they Passed through A long Hall whi-
ch was hung in black in morning they went into
the Main Hall of the Parliament house, which was
brilliantly lighted they there saw three tables two
was occupied by two young men one sitting at each
as recorders with Books upon the top of the other
sat A vary Ancient old looking man. upon one side
of the Hall or room stood an exicutioner with an Ax in his
hand And A Block before him And 500 Nobleman
were crouded together like sheep in A pen. And when
the old man gave the word the executioner took one at
a time & cut their heads off upon the block untill he had

beheaded evry man And the blood coverd the floor
more than Ancle deep & run into the street. the king
understanding that it was An open vision & not a reality
Asked the old man several times when the fulfilelment
of it would be the old man Answered not the king the[n]
fell upon his knees And prayed the Lord to tell him
the fulfillment of the vision the old man then
spoke & said that it would not be in his day or the
days of his children but it would be in the days
of the sixtsh or seventh king from him. then the
light went out the vision passed & all was darkn[ess]
the king & Generals all went into the street shut the
Parliament house door returned to there ahomes & wrot
the testimony to the world in their own language which
remains in the libraries of Sweeden to this day. the
sixth King is now reigning And it is expected the
scene will soon take place As the king is now with the people
And the Nobleman with against both king & people.

The second incident was A certain Hymn was herd sung
in three different Meeting Houses, in different parts of
sweeden, at the same hour of the night, by three
seperate parties, And the Account was published in th[r]ee
seperate News papers at the same day in different parts
of the kingdom. this was in the year AD 1837

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Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Frederick I of Sweden
17 Apr 1676 - 25 Mar 1751
1 mention
Historical Figure
Oscar I of Sweden and Norway
4 Jul 1799 - 8 Jul 1859
2 mentions
Historical Figure


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May 28, 1849