9th N Y. 26 cases 12 deaths. Gen Gaines of New Orleans has died
of the cholera also Gen Worth. I reeceved the following in
the Boston Times. We have advices by express from Salt Lake
to the 15th April. New and extraordinary discoveries of Gold have
been made in the Mountains near the Salt Lake the people
in the valley were Ansxious for A Territorial Government
& were about to send Mr Bernhisel to congress for that
purpose. the Saints were prospering at the Salt Lake
I wrote A letter to Elder Orson pratt & g
iave him
an account of the signs of the times in this country
the ravages by mobs, fire, water, cholera Indian wars
&c &c Br Sanderson called upon me & spent the night
Allexander Badlam was taken sick like the cholera
I Administered to him & he got well
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their is great destruction at the present time of life & property by flood, fire, plague pestilence & war in all the Earth war is begining to be poured out upon the Whore of all the Earth in fulfillment of the word of God.