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Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1849

Journal Entry

July 25, 1849 ~ Wednesday

25 I walked with Elder Russell to New Castle & back
I walked through the Island it was A vary hot day 8 m


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Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
64 mentions

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Letter from Brigham Young, Heber Chase Kimball, and Willard Richards, 25 July 1849
Great Salt Lake City Dear Brother Woodruff As our mail is now making up for the states, we cannot permit so favorable an opportunity of communicating to you pass unim- proved. Our prospects for train are tolerable good if we are not flooded with immigration intending for the mines but compelled to tarry here, we should have plenty for the ensuing year Our wheat harvest is now at its heighth and is Coming off for better than appearances seemed to warrant, the Spirit of Industry which has ever characterized the saints of the Most High God has been brought to bear with wondurful effect upon the [beeming] and arrived desert. The next time that you encounter the hardship privation and toil of a gloomy over the plains and mountains you will meet with a very different reception from what attended your first arrival here — friends will greet your arrival and the products of the earth will administer to your comfort. Our city and valley is fast improving Roads are being made and Bridges mills and houses building on every side with astonishing Rapidity considering our circumstances and the disadvantages under which we labor: but the blessings of health peace & union have attended us hence Our prosperity. We have a settlement in the Utah valley and have extended North above the Weber River. We have to irigate our land which is considerable labor, but will diminish as we improve in fixtures and experience. One thing is making certain ^all^ the all necessary products products of the Earth for the sustenance of man can be wished. You have probably heard before this that we are ^endeavoring^ to obtain a legal Government

Jul 25, 1849