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Day in the Life

Jul 27, 1849

Journal Entry

July 27, 1849 ~ Friday

27th I attended A Prayer meeting at Brother Russel I address
d them at the close of the meeting I baptized Archibal Russell son
of Joseph Russell I confirmed him we then went onto the burying
ground containing the family of Br Russell which was enclosed
with A wall of mason work as spoken of before And by the requ
est of Brother Russell we knelt before the Lord & dedicated
& consecrated it unto the Lord with prayer we returned to
the House And spent some time in conversation I then went [t]o rest


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4 mentions
Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
64 mentions

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
On the I baptized Archibald Russell son of Elder Joseph Russell and confirmed him and at the ^wish^ of the father we went to his family burying ground and knelt before the Lord and I dedicated and consecrated it Next day I parted with Sister Russell and the Saints and with Elder Russell and his son I left the Island to go to Ba^e^deque. I had been greatly blessed while on the Island and received great kindness from brother and sister Russell who were full of faith and good works We ran into the harbour of Ba^e^deque

Jul 27, 1849