Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1849

Journal Entry

October 16, 1849 ~ Tuesday

16th We went up to Iria Foss & spent the day & night


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Foss, Ira Carter
19 Jul 1824 - 17 Apr 1864
14 mentions

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Letter from Brigham Young, 16 October 1849
Great Salt Lake City Elder Wilford Woodruff Beloved Brother We received lengthy communications, scraps and Papers from you, by the last mail, which we have scarce had time to read, in full; business has pressed so heavily upon us, but we understand your situation, and will make all the communication at this time, that the nature of the case will admit. Our mail is closed, and about ready to start. Our General Epistle is in Type, by which you will learn General news, and we shall send this, and many more communications by Express, to overtake the mail in the mountains. Your friends are well, and the People generally, and we would all be glad to see you here with your family. Gather up all the Saints in the East, this Winter, and make ready, and in the Spring come with them, and you will see great improvements have taken place since you left home. Tell the brethren of Capital to bring means to establish factories. Say to the brothers Livingston, at Peterboro, that next year there will be wool enough raised in the Valley, to supply a considerable factory, that the cloth is needed here, that here is the place for building Zion, that here is a better place to manufacture and make money than any other place: and persuade one or all, and all such to remove with delay to this place. Next Season we design a settlement over the rim of the Basin on the South, where cotton, rice and sugar cane will flourish, and from whence we can get our supplies: but even at present, it would be far better to transport the raw cotton from the States and have it manufactured here, than to bring the cloth, for there are good water privileges in abundance, and experienced workmen on hand. therefore start out a company both for cotton and woollen manufacturing, this Winter ready for spring's emigration with machinery, &c, and every facility will be granted them in this place, which possible can be.
Letter from Brigham Young, 16 October 1849
[end of upside-down text]

Oct 16, 1849