Day in the Life

Oct 23, 1849

Journal Entry

October 23, 1849 ~ Tuesday

23rd A folded letter/box I recieved two letters from Joseph Russell and


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Letter from David and Emma Day, 23 October 1849
Cincinnati Dear Brother Woodruff I take this opportunity to write these few lines to you in order to asertaine what restitution I and my wife are to make in order to be brought into the Church as we are both willing to do all that lays in our power for we take it very hard to be here and cannot enjoy ourselves with the Saints of God. we are willing to make acknow- ledgement to all that we have done and we are determined to keep the command- ments of God for the future, but at the same time believe that there has been a great deal said that was not true but what has been done was through the teachings of William Walker and others while we were in England. the reason my wife left New York was because of the scandle that was raised about her by Mr J D Brown for he stated that my wife was in the family way by Littlefield which has proved itself fals so my wife thought she would come to me and get me to write to N York to you but I took very sick so that I could not write in time before the letter came to this place stating

Oct 23, 1849