Day in the Life

Dec 4, 1849

Journal Entry

December 04, 1849 ~ Tuesday

4th A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters one to Mrs Woodruff, one to
Col Kane one to Dr J. M. Bernhisel. I took cars rode
to Beverly & spent the night with Br Flagg 30 m[iles]


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Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Kane, Thomas Leiper
27 Jan 1822 - 26 Dec 1883


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Letter to Thomas Leiper Kane, 4 December 1849
Philadelphia Col Kane Dear Sir I called Satudy & Mondy at your Office to see you a few mom[en]ts I leave this afternoon for New York. The subject I wished to save a few words upon was this I have discovered of late occasinally a threat made by the Editors of the various Journals aganst the inhabitants of the State of Deserett conveying an idea that they are vary Hostile to the Gover[n]ment & that th[e]y take up & try men for being engaged in the Missoure war or but I wish it to be disti[n]ctly understood that all these things are composed & put forth at this critical time for political effect in order to preijudice the public mind & govnmet against us, d[u]ring this session of congress supposing that the Citizens of Deseret are at to great a distance to contradict Such any statemnt that made may be made. and this is the ownly true light in which such reports should be considered let them eminate from whatever source they may for the Citizens of Deseret have manifested their attachmet to the goverment & Constitution of our Country by leaving their families upon the prairie & going into the Mexican war at the call of the preside Excutive of the Nation Yours Truly W Woodruff
Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 4 December 1849
Washington Dear Sir, On Saturday morning I had the pleasure of receiving you note of the 30th Ult. and an introductory one to Mr Plitt which I delivered the same day—Mr Plitt has rendered me very essential service, and I fell deeply indebted to him for his courtesy and kindness—This morning I have received your favor of Monday enclosing a letter for Mr which I shall take an early opportunity to deliver—Mr Babbitt arrived here on Saturday evening, and immediately called on me, when I stated to him the course which you had indicated for us to pursue, but he remarked that he had already committed himself, and therefore could not take neutral ground in politics—Our prospects here are quite as encouraging as I had anticipated, still we shall probably meet with pretty strong opposition on account of the Sparsity of our population, though we may fail in being admitted as a state, yet I entertain strong hopes that they will grant us a Territorial Government—The prospect as present is that the House will not be organized for a day two yet—Be pleased to accept my grateful for the favors which you have conferred, and for the deep interest you take in our application for admission—Truly & Respectfully Yours Col Kane—John M. Bernhisel


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Dec 4, 1849