Day in the Life

Dec 5, 1849

Journal Entry

December 05, 1849 ~ Wednesday

5th A hand pointing to the right I wrote A letter to J M Bernhisel I took cars to
Boardentown & stage to New Egypt & spent the night 35 m


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Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881


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Letter from Thomas Leiper Kane, 5 December 1849
Col Kane Philada". Decem 5, [18]49. Dear Sir, The enclosed letter, this moment received from Dr. Bernhisel, I at once send you that you may determine what course is to be adopted by you in the premises. If it is too late for anything else an effort should be made
Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 5 December 1849
Washing City Dear Brother, Your note of last evening, I received this morning—Elder Babbitt arrived here on Saturday evening and immediately called on me, when I in- dicated the course which I had pursued, and which had been recommended by Col Kane, but he stated that he had already committed himself—I have ^already^ become acquainted with quite a nu^m^ber of Senators & Representatives, and our prospects are quite as flattering as I had anticipated The probability I think is that well shall not be admitted as a state, but the prospect of obtaining a territoral government are promising—I do not differ very widely with you in your views of a territorial government, but we are instructed to endeavor to obtain one if we cannot gain admission as a state—We shall bring the application before Congress as soon after the organization of the House as we conveniently can—The house of the lady to whom our good sister in Philadelphia gave me a letter is full, therefore she cannot accommodate me—The House has not yet elected a Speaker. Be pleased to remember me to the brethren & sisters in New York. Yours very truly J. M. Bernhisel
Letter to John Milton Bernhisel and Almon Whiting Babbitt, 5 December 1849
Boardentown N. J. Brother Bernhisel Dear Sir I sent you a few lines last night ^eveneg^ written in great Haste, as the boat was about to start but one item which I intended to have mentioned was omitted which I con sider quite essential and which I did not think to mention when I saw you. If I mistake not the petition to which the signers names are attached calls for a Territorial Governmnet if that is the case it appeares to me that that petition should not be presnted befoe Congress by any means untill it is altered I think that wise policy would dictate that the word Territory be not so much as once named in any petition or address which you have to lay before congress in the request which is now made at there hands, but State and State alone the ownly thing we ask for and with my present feelings I pray to God with all my heart that sooner than to have a Territorial Govenment given us that they may not be permitted to give us any ^a^ Govement at all unless by all means we could have our own Govenor & other offcers which is a vary uncertain matter, if we could not get a State would it not be better to withdraw the bill or petitions as we afterwards could again present a petition for a state while if we were a Territory we could not do it perhaps for many years besides all the trouble that would arise from Haveing officers & polititions among us who would have no interest in our wilfare I throw these things [out] as they rest upon my mind for your consideratin this subject is increasing upon my mind and rests with wait upon me more & more day & night & is uppermost above all other considerations and I do not know but I feel as much interested in it as though the whole concern rested upon my shouldiers for it is not a work merely to aggrandize or set up any one man or set


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Dec 5, 1849