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Day in the Life

Jan 12, 1850

Journal Entry

January 12, 1850 ~ Saturday

Jan 12th 1850 [FIGURE] I wrote 7 letter to J. Livingston, J. Luce T. Cartwright
D. Turner, S. Wells D. Carter and J. Townsend I recieved two letter from
[FIGURE] S. Wells & S. Tuttle


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28 mentions
Luce, John G.
12 mentions
Wells, Samuel
7 mentions
Tuttle, Smith
12 Mar 1795 - 7 Mar 1865
22 mentions
Cartwright, Thomas
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873
29 mentions

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Letter from Amasa Mason Lyman, 12 January 1850
San Francisco Br Woodruff Dear sir in haste I sit down to write you a few lines. my health is good and has been for the most part since we parted at the bluffs I have accidentaly herard from you by friends from the east who have come to the west not for light but gold I left the lake last april the 11th arived here in May I have meet since my arival here Br Badlam when I saw him last he was in Sacrramento our friends at the Lake were well at the latest news which was the 15th of Sept '49. of the nesws generaly you are beter informed than myself I shall expect when you receive this you will send me a long chapter of news civil political and religious one of your long leters and do not delay I expect to remain here until some time next sumer when I expect to return to the Lake I sall not trouble you here with news from the Lake for you probuably have it later thatn myself the emigration to California h who have called at the Lake all speak in the highest terms of the people and country so as secluded as apeared the place of our setlement when we first visited it the it seems to be destined to become the halfway house on the great thoroughfare across the continent so the lamp light^e^ede in the Mtops of the mountains is destined to shed its blessing on the passing denezens of the sourounding of the soroungding world


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Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Jan 12, 1850