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Day in the Life

Feb 25, 1850

Journal Entry

February 25, 1850 ~ Monday

25th [FIGURE] I got one letter from Wm H. Wilson I went through
the city of Boston with Br Woolley Elder Cannan called
upon me in the evening I Advised Him to prepare to go to
st Louis As An agent with funds to buy cattle Elder Little
called upon us & spent the night the stage turned over twice
with him coming from Peterboro & like to have broak his leg


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
113 mentions
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
172 mentions
26 mentions
14 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

And they are full of Alarm concerning the doings of Congress it has become A hotbed of political warfare and most all parties are looking for the exploding of the union the war spirit is increasing in the hearts of the people And deep judgment awaits the people nation, the hearts of men are failing them for fear of those things that are coming on the Earth, the Lord has said that in his fury he would vex the Nation And He is about to fulfill it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I felt the spirit of God like fire shut up [in] my bones as I spoke upon the things of the kingdom of God
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church membership 51,839; population of Utah Territory 11,380; population of United States 23,192,000.

Feb 25, 1850