Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1850

Journal Entry

March 04, 1850 ~ Monday

4th I left Portland in company with Mrs Judith Carter
& her Dauther & returned to Cambridgeport I was quite
unwell through my cares & labours I feel at times as much as
I can stand up under, in haveing the labour & care of getting
the companies ready I recieved A letter to day from
Walker Lewis I wrote 1 letter to Horace G Gladwin 110 m[iles]
A hand pointing to the right


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
lonely and on the evening of the ^I^ returned home again
Letter from Jacob Gibson, 4 March 1850
Phila Elder Woodruff Dear Brother I recd yours wth much Grattitude Leaving your desire, for me to get to the vally as to wave your Clame and put me on the front roads with regard to mean from this Branch. I have started the Ball arolling and have rosed allittle and say that hears is inclosed Ten dollars 6 for the church and 4 on acont of Doctren and covenents, which makes nine dollars in full for one dozen of recd from New York what ever means I rose I will send to you about the middle of the month and what I rose after that I will keep untill I se you. We have thought that our day of Starting will be the Same as yours as it appear about the right time, if we Should alter I will Let you know. I have now 62 mame down to go and a numbr others preparing I think we will rose one hundren Solez. I got a Lettr from Eldr Snow on Sattrday from Wheeling I think he and Elds Taylor L Snow & I will be hear Storth May or coming by way of working to be wartes to know when Haywood and wolly will be back Hear I rote to him at Pittsburg


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Mar 4, 1850