Day in the Life

Mar 5, 1850

Journal Entry

March 05, 1850 ~ Tuesday

5th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from O Hyde Wm Low, & M C Pevey
I wrote 1 letter to Wm Low, this was an exceding busy day I
[FIGURE] bought & packed up a stove Also packed up a large Box of goods
at home, looking glass, cloak, carpet rugs Boots, shoes, pants drawers &c &c
Ilus F Carter spent the night with me.


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Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions

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Letter from Almon Whiting Babbitt, 5 March 1850
Washington Dear Sir It is no doubt interesting to you to be posted up upon all the inns & outs at Washington. But things have been so long [stemeatipell] & stood static Quo that But little knews appears however things seems to be coming to a head & the Big thunder has been near all spent except Websters that will be heard on Tursday next & then I look for a comp romis of some sort. My opinion is that California will be [comited] as a state & that Deseret & New Mexico will be organised as a teritorys but it will be at the heel of congress—I got a letter a few day since from Erastus Snow he will be here in a few days also John Taylor & some others the Best of the Friends saled from New Orleans some weeks ago Snow & Taylor come here to procure letters from this government to their goverments where the missions are assigned to them—My health is very poor at present having ben bound for some time under a [punishing] desease called the Influensy many of the


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Mar 5, 1850