Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1850

Journal Entry

March 09, 1850 ~ Saturday

9th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from S. B. Foss Luther & Rhoda
& one from Fall River. I wrote 5 Letters to A. W. Ba[bbi]t [page covered]
L. Taft, Wm Low, J Gibson, Wm H Wilson

I went to upper & lower Depo of the Eastern rail Road & to the ship
Beatrice & back home Brother Uriah Nickerson spent the night with


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Gibson, Jacob
1 Jan 1814 - 1 May 1882
Scammans, Luther
7 Dec 1808 - 10 Jul 1878
73 mentions
Scammans, Rhoda Farnham Carter
13 Mar 1809 - 23 Dec 1896
63 mentions
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
185 mentions
Wilson, William H.
25 Jan 1807 - 25 Nov 1867
14 mentions
Maine Mission


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Letter from Benjamin S. Wilber, 9 March 1850

Brooklyn Dear Sir Your letter dated Feb 26th just came to hand, inquireing me concerning my feelings and situation &c I Recd a communication from Brigham Young H C Kimbel, a few days since, wishing me to come to California &c with goods as soon as possible, & I conveniently could To this I have to say to you, as I told A W Babbitt who calld on me, a few days since that it is impossible at present & when I can is doubtful, for I am engaged in the mercan- tile business of dry goods, & it is quite impossible at present. Again my wife who was through the Missouri war & Illenois troubles, is quite discouraged from undetakeing another campaign. we lost every thing we had, health & all. As it regards the Doctrine that I have labourd to promulgate, I say to you as I said to a Church in Woodstock Vermont ^last week^ that Elder Wm Hyde & myself Establish that what I told them when with them, were then true, & they are no less so now, at present I am living in [Cog] for my business sake, but would be glad to gather at the gathering place of the Saints please receve my kind regards I remain yours truly B S Wilber 271 Fulton St

Letter from James Willard Cummings, 9 March 1850

Sat Morning Dear Bro Woodruff By the kindness of Bro Pratt I have sent 20 pounds to my wife: & he thinks it will be the best & safest to deposit it with you: inasmuch as you would be likely to see her before you went west. I therefore write this note to give you some information where of her: she lives in Mansfield hollow Tolland Co. Connecticut, she informed me that you were in that neighbour hood last summer & preach^ed^ [preached] at her Uncle's, Dan, Atwood's. her address is Annette. A. Cummings Mansfield Centre Tolland Co. Conneticut If you should not be passing through the neighbour- hood would you have the kindness to remit the money to her in some safe way: if you would do so I should esteem it as a great favour. I have been informed that there is several saints going from that neighourhood west this spring which made me think perhaps you would pass through that way. She stands greatly in need of the money for I left her destitute & she has receved nothing from me since I have been in England Bro Pratt has said she might come to England if she saw propper. I should not like to have her come unless she could com with some of the Elders that are comeing over

Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ough]t of Sanborn & Carter To 1 Ladie's Book 1 75 [To] 1 Grahams Magazine 1 75 [To] 1 Byron Glt. 2 25 [To] 1 Wandering Jew 1 25 [To] 1 History American Revolutiony 1 50 [To] 1 Good Woman 2 Vols 1 50 [To] 1 Worcesters History 63 [To] 1 Casket 1 50 [To] 2 Miscellany c 1.75 3 50 [To] 1 Teachers Manual 31 [To] 1 Caldwell Elocution 62 [To] 1 National History 50 [To] 1 Floras Interpretor 88 [To] 1 Universal History 1 00 [To] 1 Mental Hygeine 75 [To] 1 Floral Year 1 50 [To] 1 Rosina 1 00 [To] 1 Pilgrim's Progress G[i]lt 1 25 [To] 1 Moore Luckey 4 50

Business/Financial - Bill of Goods Account Book, 1850

Sold by B. G. S. Ex'd by Mandell. Sales 9 Page 41 58 5 Prs. M. de. Laines 165 18 2 [prs.] Striped [Laines] 71 17 100 2 [prs. Striped 662 15 168 3 [prs.] 1001 15 12 708 2 [prs.] Prints 61 922 119 1 [prs. Prints] 302 102 ^714 724^ 725 6 [prs. Prints] 180 11 ^354^ 352 3 [prs. Prints] 89 13 479 1 [prs.] Lyonese 352 55 445 2 [prs. Lyonese] 672 50 1 [prs.] Drab Alpacca 322 22 35.512 3 [prs.] Mohair Lustve 882 272 503 5 [prs.] Lyonese 1673 372 2 [prs.] Green Barage 25 4/8 ams 322/8 2/3 1 [prs.] Black Satin 6 250 1 [prs.] Sarsnet Silk 27 1/8 35 4 Quilts 10/4 & 11/4 1.75 2 [Quilts] 3.75


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Mar 9, 1850