Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1850

Journal Entry

March 14, 1850 ~ Thursday

14th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter from Mary Ann Pratt I wrote
57 Letters to L Hardy M. C. Pevey Thomas Knowles, S. Wells
Wm Ashland. Elder Cannon took his departure from
Boston to day. I walked over the city with Ilus to day
He went to Portland & I returned Home. My cares
& Labour are vary great thes days. Elder Badlam
put into my Hands $200 sent from the gold mines
to Thomas Knowles to help him to Zion I sent him word
that He might get ready & go with us. Brother Badlam
Brought over two thousand dollars in gold for himself
& considerable to cheer the Hearts of several individuals & to
help them to Zion Brother Badlam has been faithful on this
mission has returned with gold sufficient to pay all his
Debts Honorably & to go comfortably with his family to the valley
He has come home in good health & spirits & faith, & the
Lord has blessed him for which I feel thankful
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to J. L. Heywood & Thomas Cartwright.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Badlam, Alexander, b. 1808
28 Nov 1808 - 1 Dec 1894
103 mentions
Zion's Camp
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Heywood, Joseph Leland
1 Aug 1815 - 16 Oct 1910
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
233 mentions
Pratt, Mary Ann Frost
14 Jan 1809 - 24 Aug 1891
Cartwright, Thomas
23 Dec 1814 - 9 Jan 1873


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Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridge- port He had been gone one year to that country He was truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He broug- ht me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837. He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Almon Whiting Babbitt, 14 March 1850
Washington Dear Sir Your favior of the ninth Inst now duly Received. I was very happy to hear from you & though from friends Heywood & Woolley I have been in Philadelphia for some days past. had a very interesting vuisit among the Saints there. Some 80 are ready to go out this Spring. friend Gibibson at this Head I find no matereal change here as yet many denounce the Calhoons Speech as tending to desolution ameaditly. Wheele while it is a fact that more truth was told in his (Calhoons) speech there are the rest put together (namely) that It was useless to cry union; union;; union;;; when the Spirit of the Union had left the Peoplele & prooved the same by fact that there has been no attempt to contro- vert. Mr. Erastus Snow is with us & we expect Mr. Taylor & Lorenz Snow Every day. I shall leav for Illinois some time next week. I leave to tbe as usual at the Corthage court on the 12 of April the Doct will tarry here for he seems to be inclined to domestic life & would not I presume obgect if I was


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Mar 14, 1850