Jan 1st AD 1851.
Wednesday I met with the 14 ward of the city of the Great
Salt Lake of Deseret, to Dedicate A New school House which we
had built for the purpose of schooling our children. Elder P. P
Pratt delivered A vary interesting Address on the occasion
took for A tex[t] "the fear of the Lord is the Begining of wisdom["] [Proverbs 9:10]
He was followed by President Richards in a few remarks &
the dedication prayer After which remarks were made
by W Woodruff W. W. Phelps & Bishop Murdock when
there was An intermission one hour
Met at 2 oclok when it was moved & carried that W Woodruff
deliver A discourse to the people from the following text
"Bought wit is the best if you do not buy it to dear" I Addressed
the meeting in a Breaf manner As required of me After
which the evening was spent in recreation under the direction
of the Bishop of the ward
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