16 Sunday I was quite unwell President B Young preached
A funeral sermon on the death of sister Nobles. in the Afternoon
Mrs Woodruff went with me to president Youngs I was in
council with the Presidency & Twelve Among other things the
President said He was Afraid there would be A spirit with
A Lymon to Build up Williams Ranch & loose sight of this place
He says to Brother Rich remember if this is the case that I
have seen the bud of it & other things were said He thought
there were many more going than was wisdom to go.
I took supper with the President & Lady & returned Home
And had quite a sick night
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March [FIGURE] 1st 1851 This is my birth day I am 44 years old this day may the Lord Preserve me in rightousness in all my future days & help me to build up his kingdom
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