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Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1851

Journal Entry

July 06, 1851 ~ Sunday

Sunday 6th President Young remarked we get good
from all men who speak by the spirit of God & according to their
calling I speak free so may all men. If we speak
incorrect we should be corrected we want to speak free that
we may gather good whether it is in the past present or to
come Brother Kempton has been speaking. He professes to
be a scholar I do not, but he has murdered the English language
today I want speakers to speak the English language correctly
for our children sake. As to principles their is no principles
in Heaven Earth or Hell but what the Saints have to appley to
their proper place. If we could understand all things we
should know that here is the place to begin to make the people happy
if we could understand the dealings & providences of God
with us & the object of it their would not be the discontent
& murmerings of the people that their now is but we should
have peace Joy & contentment. Concerning spiritual
& temporal things I would say that temporal & spiritual
things are one but what we call temporal are the courser
things which we see with our Eyes but the finer or spiritual
things we cannot see with our Eyes unless they are touched
by the spirit of God. Then we could see spiritual things
to say the spiritual eye cannot see temporal things is folly
but it looks unnatural to see people put out their own eyes to
spite their Neighbor. Anciently God Angels & Eternal things


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kempton, John
9 mentions

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Jul 6, 1851