Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1851

Journal Entry

July 06, 1851 ~ Sunday

Sunday 6th President Young remarked we get good
from all men who speak by the spirit of God & according
to their calling I speak free so may all men. If we speak
incorrect we should be corrected we want to speak free that
we may gather good whether it is in the past present or to
come. Brother Kempton has been speaking. He professes to
be a scholar I do not, But He has murdered the English language
today. I want speakers to speak the English language correctly
for our children sake. As to principles their is no principles
in Heaven Earth or Hell but what the Saints have to Appley to
their proper place. If we could understand all things we
should know that Here is the place to begin to make the people Happy
if we could understand the dealings & providences of God
with us & the object of it their would not be the discontent
& murmerings of the people that their now is but we should
have peace Joy & contentment. Concerning spiritual
& temporal things I would say that temporal & spiritual
things are one But what we call temporal are the coarser
things which we see with our eyes But the finer or spiritul
things we cannot see with our Eyes unless they are touched
By the spirit of God then we could see spiritual things
to say the spiritual things ^eye^ cannot see temporal things is folly
But it looks unnatural to see people put out their own eyes to
spite their Neighbor. Anciently God Angels & Eternal things

were considered Natural my mind can see many things when
clothed with the Spirit of God that my eyes cannot. In
speaking of Hell it is called vary hot But our God is
a consumeing fire. [Hebrews 12:29] Hell is here it is said the devil was
cast down to the Earth [Revelation 12:9] Also that He was cast down to Hell [Doctrine and Covenants 29:37-38]
He is in our midst striveing to lead captive the children
of men. I want the Brethren to speak freely to speak
all that is in you & if you have an Error let it out
& exchange it for true principle. some of the Saints
want more revelation mysteries, great things, But do they know what
they ask for or what they have already got if the request of many men
was granted it would be like casting pearles before swine they would
trample them in the mire [Matthew 7:6] we have enough now tof the key words &
tokens to take us through the veil into the celestial world & lead us to the
Throne of God, & what more do you want. Have you ever pondered in
your hearts By visions & the spirit of God Eternal things even the redeeming of
all worlds from there down to the smallest things God Has made? Have
you ever reflected upon the great system of salvation of the creatures
of God? Is man contented He is not. Can man alter the Decrees of
God concerning the seed of Abraham or any thing els He cannot
why not quarrel about Christ coming instead of the Father
when the Father Appointed Jesus Christ the first Born to come &
redeem the Earth there was contention got up the second Brother
Lucipher the son of the Morning [Isaiah 14:12] He wanted the Honour to come & redeem
the Earth But Christ was the Appointed one it was his right By Appoin
tment & Birthright. But the war & contention became so Hot & the
influence of Lucipher was so great that He got one third of the Hosts
of Heaven to Join his standard & when He was hurled down to Hell
like lightning from Heaven one third was cast down with him whare
is He & those that were cast down, with those spirts that accompanied
him they are here on this Earth and they have Blinded the child
ren of men & still seeking to overthrow the kingdom of God
He is a thorn in the flesh to the children of God But this is all right
& we should be contented with what God sees fit to grant unto us & be
contented with our lot. If the devil Had Been contented & acted in
his place He would not Have Been thrust down to Hell. Any man who
seeks to do a thing that He cannot do & should not do it cast him
into Hell & makes a Hell for him when men ask for things that
does not belong to him & it makes him unhappy. But do what
God wants you to do & wait on those who are above you & all
will be right. why did not one of the Apostles quarrel with
Jesus Christ to redeem the world Jesus set a little child in
their midst & said if ye do not become as this little child you
cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [Matthew 18:2-3] If you would be the
greatest man in the kingdom of God you must be the greatest slave
or servant you will do more than any other man. The Apostles
did not quarrel to know who should or should not be president
why do I or you not quarrel because we were not Joseph Smith
to want to & cannot is Hell. Never seek to do a thing you cannot
accomplish. Evry man has his lot appointed Him & he should be
contented with it. Their is the work of God, Angels, men, & Devils
Is the Bible good the Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants
yes they are good those Books contain the words of God Angels Men
& Devils. And if you dont want to be in Hell all the time be contented
with your lot if you dont learn to Be contented you will be in
Hell with Brother Kempton who sayes He was in Hell one year

then learn to be contented and you will be Happy dont complain
Because you are not God, Jesus Christ, An Angel, Joseph, Brigham
A man, A woman, A Father, A Mother, A son A daughter or
any thing els but be contented with the lot in which God has
placed you then you will be Happy & Blessed. The Blacks cannot
take the curse off themselves untill God takes it off. make all
men saints & they will treat each other well. So the Laman-
are cursed But is there not Blessings for them yes the same
as their is for the Saints for Joseph Brigham, & Jesus Christ
& All Faithful men & women in their time & season so be contented


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246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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when the Father appointed Jesus Christ the first born to come & redeem the Earth there was contention got up the second brother Lucipher the son of the morning He wanted the honour to come & redeem the Earth but Christ was the Appointed one it was his right by appoin tment & birthright. But the war & contention became so hot & the influence of Lucipher was so great that he got one third of the hosts of Heaven to Join his standard & when he was hurled down to Hell like lightning from Heaven one third was cast down with him whare is he & those that were cast down, with those spirts that accompanied him they are here on this Earth and they have blinded the child ren of men & still seeking to overthrow the kingdom of God He is a thorn in the flesh to the children of God but this is all right & we should be contented with what God sees fit to grant unto us & to contented with our lot. If the devil had been contented & acted in his place he would not have been thrust down to Hell. Any man who seeks to do a thing that he cannot do & should not do it cast him into Hell & makes a Hell for him when men ask for things that does not belong to him & it makes him unhappy.
~ Brigham Young
be contented with the lot in which God has placed you then you will be happy & blessed.
~ Brigham Young

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Jul 6, 1851