Day in the Life

Mar 6, 1852

Journal Entry

March 06, 1852 ~ Saturday

6th Saturday Both Houses met in Joint session
And closed up all the business of the session
And Adjourned untill next deDecmber the Govorn
Blessed the Assembly And the President of the councel
& speaker of the House returned thanks to the members
The Assembly returned A vote of thanks to the Govorn
And all returned their homes I spent the evening in
school learning Fonography


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872

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Letter from Quartus S. Sparks, 6 March 1852
San Francisco Brother Woodruff! Dear Sir. It is with warm remem- berance of the past acquaintance which I formed with you upon Long Island N. Y. as well as in the state of Mass. that I now address you. Many and various are the sceens ^scenes^ through which we have boath passed since (to me) those very memorable periods, in which I held sweet communion for short intervals with you. Yet I have not forgotten you, nor the rich instructions and blessings I recieved from your mouth. Surfise it to say, the present moment finds myseslf and family well, blessed with the "mam- on of unrighteousness" and able and willing to do all we can to assist as far as ourselves and means will go to assist in the forwarding of the holy cause in which we are ingaged. As I know you are interrested in everything that is going on abroad or at home connected with the great prurposes of the Almi^gh^ty touching the Gathering of Israel, I think that the following statement, the substance of which I take from a late English paper so will not be without interrest to you, as also the Presidency of the Church, and the saints in general. The Viceroy of Egypt has sanctioned the proj- ject of a railway from Alexandria by way of Cairo, to the Isthmus of Suez, and the work


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Mar 6, 1852